Ruth Rosewood

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Name: Ruth Rosewood
Nicknames: Rose,Rosey, or Rosetta(mostly called that by her family tho-)
Age: 17
Looks: medium length straight black hair with bangs. Bright green eyes, usually wears a lot of bright red lipstick. Tall and curvy. Pale. Has freckles roaming around her face but uses her makeup to clear her face. (She doesn't like her freckles)

Clothes: usually wears a lot of dark clothing. Wears a lot of button ups or hoodies. Likes wearing turtlenecks under her hoodies. Tight black ripped jeans, using her black used converse.
Wears a white headband. Usually has bandages around her arms from fights.

Personality: Calm and collected, usually always has an attitude but though she isn't really rough with her comments. She's very giving, likes hanging with people. Obsessed with coffee and tea, (Starbucks. Her:☺️)
She doesn't like it when people mess with her or her friends.

Likes: Coffee, tea, soba noodles, warmth, sleeping, adventures, going outside, music, paranormal, thriller movies, skateboarding, smoking, retro music, dvd stores, record stores, autumn and winter, rain, likes jokes, hugs, writing.

Dislikes: Soda, the quiet, jump scares, being alone, the dark.

Examples of her clothes and aesthetic;

Examples of her clothes and aesthetic;

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I think Marcelines voice fits well with Ruth. ^^

DarkMoonFalling Katsu18-20Chan Jammisquad Paige_x_FNAF yellow_bella_

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