Don't' listen to her, Z. She isn't worth it. "Fuck you."

"No, I think you should know. Your mom and dad knew that we were dropping bombs over the towns. Your sister, Adrianna, she knew too. She was prepared to let you and your brother die when she found out your mom left you. She didn't really care, she was one of Mac's puppets too, just like Thomas."

Closing my eyes, I try to drain her out. My mom would never do something like that to us, she loved us unconditionally. My sister wouldn't risk our lives, I refuse to believe it.

Wait, is my mom alive?

Grace grasps my jaw roughly, yanking it so I look up at her. "I made sure my house was the first target, to remove the bloodline of Mac Dawson. Someone decided to take it upon themselves to warn my useless son, Thomas. So, I made his death permanent," she stops, looking at her watch. "about an hour ago."

"Thomas is dead?" I say quietly, my eyes not leaving her hazels as she releases me and walks backward with a smirk. "Why would you murder your own son?"

She's lying. She needs to be. Where's Theo?

"He is a constant reminder of what that horrible man did to me, what he did to all of us. I made it my mission to remove him and everyone linked to him. After I failed to have him killed year after year, I decided a prison would suffice. I even kept my other two children away from Thomas, and he still managed to get one killed! I will wipe them all out, Theo and his repulsing child being part of that."

I see red.

Call me the worst mother in the world, call me too young to know what the fuck I'm doing, but do not sit and fucking speak poorly about my son without expecting me to bite. If it weren't for these chains, I'd strangle the bitch.

"Don't you dare speak about my child that way, he's innocent," I spit, standing up, the chains on my wrists tightening when I get to full height, lunging forward. "Mac's dead, Grace, Thomas killed him. The son you said is so useless, managed to kill him," I laugh, watching her walk towards me until we're nearly nose to nose. "You're just as bad as him, Grace. You make me feel like a good mother and I'm not a particularly great one, seeing you wanting your own child dead makes me feel disgusted. I hope Thomas and Theo find us, because I refuse to believe those two can be killed so easily. And when they do, I want Thomas to rip your fucking heart out."

She slaps me full force, making my head snap to the side. Rubbing the raw, stinging skin, I shake my head at her, yacking spit in her face. Leaning my back to the wall while she wipes her cheek, I sneer at her. "You won't survive this."

"Paul, come here." She walks over to the guard, watching me while she speaks. "Make sure her friend suffers. Keep going until she tells us where the child is. If she gives the location, blow it." She whispers the last part, but I heard it loud and clear. Grace stops at the metal door, turns to me with a smirk. "If you don't let me do this, Zara, you will watch that devil child of yours grow up to destroy everything."

"I'll destroy you."

She laughs, slowly closing the door. "Cute."


The next morning, with the sun belting down from the thin windows, small slits that barely light up the room, Julie loses her shit. And I don't mean she's upset and crying, she's full-blown raging.

"I'm going to kill her, then, I'll kill Thomas for not killing her when he got out the womb. Oh," she sits up, putting her back to the wall, eyes sunken in, voice croaky from constant yelling. "what about Paul, why is he not helping us? That asshole!"

𝐃𝐚𝐰𝐬𝐨𝐧|𝟑| [𝟏𝟖+] ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora