Come here

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Addison POV

This time I just couldn't resist her. I kissed her passionately and held her face in my hands. She kissed me right back kissing me back with the same passion. We slowly pulled away with a pop and I sighed as I leaned my forehead against hers, still holding her face.
"Woah what was that for?" She says and I smile.
"To say sorry" I say and close my eyes.

"So what did that mean?" She says and I open my eyes and look into her eyes.
"Dixie I don't even know....I just can't resist you anymore I've been holding myself back when I should of just let go" I say and she smiles.
"So we will figure this out?" She says and I smile and peck her lips.
"Yes" she smiles and I kiss her again. Damn her lips are soft and she's such a good kisser. Bryce could never....oh wait I have a husband.

You know what fuck him I'm going to enjoy this with Dixie it's about time I do something that I want and anyway Bryce deserves it. She licks my bottom lip and I pull away which makes her whine.
"Don't whine at me you know if you do that we won't stop" she smirks and I roll my eyes playfully.
"Want to come home with me?" I say and her smirk grows into a smile.
"I promised your kids remember?" I laugh softly.

"Oh yeah" I let go of her and stand up straight. She gets up and puts her backpack on. My phone rings and I look over at my desk before walking over and seeing it was Bryce. Life just hates me doesn't it. I answer the phone.
"Hi Bryce" I says coldly and he sighs.
"Baby come on don't be mad at me I've done nothing wrong" I roll my eyes and look over at Dixie who was busy texting on her phone.

"You've done so many things wrong Bryce and you never apologize" I say and he groans.
"Fine I'm sorry" I roll my eyes.
"No don't say it cause I told you to. Say it when you actually mean it" he groans again. I'm so done with him.
"I'll see you next week" he says and I pinch the top of my nose.
"Yeah whatever bye" I say.
"Bye" I end the call and put my phone in my bag.

"You okay?" Dixie asks and I turn around to see that she was standing right behind me. I put my bag over my shoulder and walk closer to her. I put my hands on her face and kiss her. She wraps her arms around my waist and kisses me back. We pull apart and she smirks.
"Okay I'm really liking that" she says and I laugh.
"Let's go pick up the kids" she nods her head and I grab the rest of my things and we both head out.

"Who were you texting earlier?" I ask and she smiles at me.
"Anna, my best friend" I smile at her.
"She's really good at essays" I say and Dixie laughs.
"I wouldn't be surprised she wants to be a journalist" she says and I smile. We both walk out and to my car.
"When did couch say you can play again?" I say as I start the car.
"Probably by next week" she says and I start driving.

"Hey Addison?" I look at her for a brief second.
"Do you want to go on a date with me?" She says and I smile big.
"Yes of course!" I say as I feel my heart begin to beat faster. It's been a long time since I've ever truly wanted to be with someone. We drive to my kids preschool and I get out.
"I'll be right back" I say and she smiles at me. I walk inside and wait. I start thinking which is never good.

The situation with Bryce has to come to an end. I don't love him anymore and I know how cruel that sounds but I honestly can't be with him anymore. He doesn't love me back and the only reason we truly got together was for the kids sake. What am I going to tell them when I leave Bryce?

I know Logan loves Bryce. I groan and run my hands through my hair. Why did I have to marry Bryce like seriously we should of just stayed dating. The kids like Dixie so maybe they will be accepting. I've never done anything like this before, not with a girl at least. Oh fuck I have no experience with a girl what if I'm not good at being a girlfriend?

Does Dixie even want to be my girlfriend like maybe she's just doing this for a quick fuck?

Fuck I'm her teacher too this is all to much.

I see my children come into view and they all rush to me.
"Mommy!" They shout and I bend down and hug them and kiss their cheeks.
"let's go home" I say and stand up. Juliet takes my hand and I squeeze it. She looked a little upset.
"Aww baby what's the matter?" I say and she just stays quiet. I bend down and pick her up. She wraps her arms around my neck and hides her face. I see the teacher and she waves me over.

"Honey go to the car, Dixie will be there" I say and she nods her head and I put her down.
"Mommy don't be long" she says and I smile at her and nod my head.
"I promise" she nods her head and I slowly walk to her siblings and they walk out. I know Dixie's got them so I feel better. I walk over to their teacher and she smiles at me.
"Hi Ms.Easterling how are you?" I smile at her.
"I'm good thanks and you?" She smiles at me.

"I'm alright, I just want to talk to you about Juliet" I swallow hard. I hope nothing bad happened to my little girl.
"I think she might have ADHD" I breath in and out.
"Oh" I say and she sighs.
"I didn't think much about it and I didn't want to worry you but she's been having frequent mood swings, fidgeting a lot, short attention span and she can't control her anger out bursts" I frown.
"She's been having anger outbursts?" She nods her head.

"Yes especially on the other kids. Today she had an anger outburst and then started crying uncontrollable, she kept saying I want my mommy" WHY THE HELL DID THE SCHOOL NOT CALL ME?!
"And why was I not alerted?" I say trying to stay calm.
"We had the situation under control and a few minutes later she acted if everything was okay so we weren't sure about what to do" I bite my bottom lip.

"Okay thank you but I must be going" I say and she nods her head.
"have a good rest of your day Ms.Easterling" I nod my head.
"You too" I say and I walk out. I go to the car and I see that the kids were already sitting inside the car talking away with Dixie. I get in the car and start driving.

I stay quiet and I don't even look at Dixie. I could feel her eyes on me but I didn't look at her. We arrive at home and the kids run out and I watch Juliet.
"Addi-" Dixie says trying to grab my hand but I get out the car and close the door. I walk over to the door and open it for the kids. They all rush in and I see Dixie limping her way over to us.

"Dixie can you play with us?" Ava asks and Dixie looks at me and I stroll upstairs. I don't mean to close myself off, it's just I'm not use to having someone who cares about it. I go into my room and take off my high heels and coat before going to the bed and laying down. I close my eyes and rub my temples. I hear the door open and close and I already knew that it was Dixie.

I open my eyes and look to see Dixie limping her way to me.
"Hey" she says softly and lays next to me.
"Hi" I say and I look up at the ceiling.
"What's going on?" She says and I sigh.
"I'm bipolar" I say quickly.
"That's okay" she says and I sigh and breath in and out.
"And today Juliet had an outburst and her teacher thinks she has ADHD....and I gave her that" I say.

"What do you mean?" She says softly.
"When I was about 4 or 5 I had ADHD and it was bad like really bad and when I was a teenager it turned into Bipolar" I say and a tear falls from my eye but I wipe it away quickly before she could see.
"Addison it's not your fault, it's no one's fault. It's something that happens it's totally normal and I know that Juliet is going to be a good kid I can see it. She has an amazing mom like you to get her through it" I smile just a little.

"What did I do to deserve you?" I say and she chuckles.
"By existing" I laugh.
"Very funny smartass" I say and she laughs too.
"You know Addison I know we haven't know each other for long and I don't know what's going on between us....but I'm not going anywhere and if you need someone to talk to I'm here, believe me I've done a lot of listening" she says and my heart warms at her words.

I move my hand to the side and feel Dixie's hand. I take her hand in mine and we both stare up at the ceiling.
"Thank you Dixie" I say and close my eyes.
"Come here" she says and I finally look at her. She pulls me to her chest and I immediately wrap my arms around her and she does the same. Our legs wrap around each other and I breath in her scent. Being in her arms was just so comforting and I felt myself relax until the door slammed open.

Why hello Ms.Easterling (dixison) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt