I have to try...just once

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Dixie POV

Okay I don't know why I said sure so quickly it made me seem too eager to do this but I mean any excuse to spend more time with addison I'm all for it. I was busy playing some game with her kids when I heard Addison on the phone.
''Bryce the kids keep asking for you when are you actually going to come home?'' she says anger filling her voice. I didn't want to ease drop but I just couldn't help it.

''you said that last time and then you say you're coming next week!'' she shouted and the kids all look at me. I just pretended that I didn't hear anything and carried on playing the game. The kids did the same thing but I could still hear addison arguing but she moved away and now I couldn't hear her which kinda sucked.

A moment later she walks into the room and had an annoyed expression on her face as she looks down at her phone. She groans and looks up at me. I smile and she smiles back before taking a seat on the couch. It was already getting late and my ankle felt better maybe I should go home.

"Mommy I'm hungry!" Juliet says and Logan and Ava both agree with her. Addison sighs obviously stressed.
"I'll make you guys something to eat" I say wanting Addison to not be so stressed.
"Dixie you can't stand" she says to me and I roll my eyes before trying to get up and I nearly fall but I mange to balance on my one leg.
"See no pressure on my ankle and I can stand" I say and she looks at me and shakes her head.

"Come on Addison let me make you guys some dinner you look like you need to relax, so let me help you" I say and she softens.
"Thank you Dixie I appreciate it" she says and I smile at her and start hoping to the kitchen.
"At least let me help you" she says getting up and holding my arm.
"No Addison go take a nice long bath I can manage by myself and the kids can help me, can't they?" I say looking at the kids.

"We'll help you Dix, mommy go bath" Ava says taking my hand and I smile at her. Addison looks down at her daughter then back at me.
"Thank you" she says and I smile. She turns around and heads up the stairs. I watch her and smile to myself before I feel a little tug on my hand.
"Come on Dix we'll help you" Ava says and Logan and Juliet run into the kitchen. Ava try's to help me as I hop along to the kitchen. We finally arrive and I let go of Ava's hand and lean against the counter.

"Okay guys what is your mom's favourite type of food?" I say and they all shrug their shoulders and I laugh.
"Okay uhm..." I say hoping to the fridge and search in it.
"Can we have tacos?" Logan asks and I look at him and he smiles at me.
"Sure why the hell not" Logan smiles bigger. I get all the ingredients which was beef, salsa, taco shells, head lettuce, medium tomato and cheese.

I get out the chopping board and a knife. The kids all sit at the counter and watch me. I don't really trust them with a knife so I'll do this by myself.
"Logan please turn on the oven for me" he nods his head and gets off his seat and turns on the oven and I look at it and he knew exactly what he was doing.
"Wow kid you actually know what you are doing" I say and he turns to look at me.
"Mommy taught me!" He said cheerfully. I smile at that and stop chopping the tomatoes to stir the beef on the stove.

I do everything talking away with the kids which was really pleasant. They are so good and sweet it was surprising cause usually kids are devils.
"Smells good in here" I turn my head and see Addison wearing grey sweatpants and a baggy black shirt and she had socks on and her hair was in a messy bun with her face bare. She looked so beautiful and cute.
"Yeah it will be ready in two minutes" I say and she smiles at me and walks towards me and takes some cheese.

I smack her hand and she glares at me.
"No save your appetite for actual dinner" she rolls her eyes at me.
"Yeah mommy" Juliet says and I laugh. She sighs and shakes her head smiling.
"Yeah whatever" she says and walks to the cabinet and pulls outs some wine. I hear my phone ring from across the room and I groan. My hands were busy trying to finish up.
"Ava please go get my phone for me" she nods her head and quickly runs to my phone and runs back to me. I wipe my hands and take the phone from her.

"Thanks buddy" she smiles big at me. I look down at the phone and see it was my mom. I look at Addison and she nods her head and starts to finish up for me.
"Hey mom" I say bringing the phone to my ear.
"Hi honey I heard from the school you hurt yourself are you okay?" She says her voice filled with concern.
"Yeah mom I'm okay a teacher helped me out so I'm all good now" my mom sighs in relief.
"That's good honey but we hate leaving you all by yourself" I smile.

"I know mom but I'm a big girl and I can care for myself" I say and my mom laughs.
"I know sweetheart but you are still our little girl" I laugh.
"Yeah sure mom but I got to go, I love you and I miss you guys" I say.
"We love you more and we miss you, bye sweetheart" she says and I look at Addison.
"Bye mom" I say and end the call and put my phone down on the counter.

"All good?" Addison says and I nod my head.
"Yeah it was just my mom checking if I was okay" Addison smiles at me. We put plates out at the dinning table and set up. Everyone takes their seats and I pour the kids some juice before taking my seat next to Addison. We all dig in and and the kids looked like they were enjoying it.
"This is amazing Dixie where did you learn how to cook?" I smile.
"My mom taught me everything I know but I even did one or two cooking classes when I was 15" I say and Addisons smiles at me and starts pouring herself some wine.

She looks at me unsure.
"Are you allowed to drink?" She says and I stare at her.
"Well....I am still 17" I say and she raises one eyebrow but pours for me anyway.
"Close enough but don't tell anyone" she says and I laugh and nod my head.
"Yes ma'am" I say and she shakes her head. I take a sip of the wine and then take a bite of my taco. The kids finished first of course and excused themselves to go play.

"So..." I say and Addison looks at me.
"Thank you for helping me out" I say and she smiles at me.
"Thank you too for caring for my kids and making dinner" she says and I smile and take a sip of my wine again.
"So we've gone this far so tell me things about yourself" I say and lean my head on my elbow and look at her.

She laughs and looks at me.
"I'm not that interesting" she says and I frown.
"What do you mean you're not interesting I find everything about you interesting?" I say and she looks at me and smiles.
"Well I was born and raised in Louisiana and I have two younger brothers who are the the sweetest but we're so naughty when I lived back at home" she says laughing and I smile.

"How old is your sister?" She says and I smile.
"15 turning 16" I say and Addison raises both her eyebrows.
"Such a young age and already travelling around" I nod my head and laugh.
"Yeah she's chasing her dream and that is all that matters, well that's what our parents say" she smiles at me and takes another sip of her wine.
"How old are you?" I say curious because everyone at school was trying to guess her age.

"I'm 28" she says and I raise both my eyebrows. Okay damn but I mean that's not that bad.
"And already have three kids damn?" I say and she sighs.
"Yeah well Logan was actually a mistake when I was 23 but I couldn't bring myself to not keep him" she says guilt in her voice.
"The twins weren't planned either but I love them all no matter what and I don't regret having them" she says and I nod my head.
"It must of been hard for you" I say and put my hand on her knee and she doesn't shy away from my touch.

"Yeah" she says and takes another big sip of her wine.
"Was it with the same guy?" She nods her head.
"Yeah my husband Bryce we meet when I was 22" she says and I frown.
"when did you guys get married?" I say and she sighs.
"When I was 24" damn that's still a little young to be getting married and raising three kids.
"How did you balance college and having kids?" I say and she sighs.

"It wasn't easy but I made it work, I wasn't going to just stop going to college because I had kids" she said and I nod my head.
"And your husband did he help you out?" She sighs loudly.
"In the beginning yes but he recently got a big job and has been going on business trips for the past two years, I'll admit the nights have been lonely and hard" she says looking away. Her body language told me that she was holding something else back but I didn't want to push her.

"I'm sorry Addison it must be stressful but hey I'll help out as much as I can" she looks at me and I smile.
"You've known me for a day and already want to help me?" She says and I smile sweetly.
"Of course Addison you're different from other people, special even and I want to help you even though you seem like the independent women a little help never hurts nobody" she smiles big at me and I moved closer to me.

Her face was not far away from mine and I sucked in a sharp breath. She smelt so good and her plush lips just looked so inviting. I know this is wrong but I can't help myself I have to try...just once.

Then I kiss her.

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