A new english teacher

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Dixie POV

I wouldn't say I'm a trouble maker well actually that's a perfect way to describe me, but I wouldn't get in trouble if the teachers just minded there own damn business like seriously you don't have to report everything that I do.
"Dixie!" I turn my head away from my locker to see my best friend Anna running to me. She attacks me in a bear hug and I laugh.
"Anna careful!" I say and she laughs too. She pulls away from me and grins from ear to ear.

I sigh and roll my eyes.
"What do you want Anna?" She claps her hands.
"Okay so you know how I always cover for you when you go out?" I laugh and nod my head.
"Yeah" I say smiling at her.
"Well I need your help, so can you please cover for me?" I laugh.
"On a school night Anna Damn what a badass" I say throwing my arm around her shoulder. She giggles and we walk together to our class.

"I'll cover for you" I say and she smiles big.
"Thanks Pix, also did you hear there's a new English teacher?" I frown.
"What happened to Ms. Evans?" I say and she shrugs her shoulders.
"I don't know" she says and I lick my lips. I quite liked Ms.Evans sure she was old but she taught well. I do hope I don't start failing English now because there's a new teacher.

We walk together inside the English classroom and take our seats in front. The teacher wasn't in the classroom yet so I leaned over to talk to Anna.
"So Anna where do you want to sneak off too?" She smirks.
"There's this guy I'm talking to and he wants to meet me at his house" I tilt my head to the side.
"You have met the guy right?" She nods her head.
"Duh" I laugh when I hear the door open and close and then high heels clicking against the floor.

I turn my head and my jaw drops. There was the most stunning women I've ever seen. Her long blond curly hair was down, she had beautiful chocolate brown eyes, full pink lips, a beautiful body that was covered in a white button up and a black skirt that showed off her toned legs. She was tanned and her pearly white smile made my heart leap. She looked at me and I swear I died on the spot.

She winked at me and I froze before she put her things done and faced all of us.
"Hello everyone my name is Ms.Easterling and I'm your new English teacher" her voice was so smooth and loving but strict. Is this what it feels like to be love struck?

"Look guys I don't know what your previous teachers rules were but in my classroom no talking, no going on your phones and basic things like that and lastly please just be respectful" she takes one of her white board markers.
"I want to get to know everyone but in the last 15 minutes so everyone take out your books and lets start on your new poem it's on page 7"she begins to write the title on the board and I take out my books.

I stare at the back of her head before trailing my eyes down. I know it inappropriate but come on she's got such a nice ass. I look back up and look around the classroom to see most of the guys whispering and checking out Ms.Easterling. I couldn't help but feel angry at them even though I did the same thing. At least I wasn't whispering on how I wanted to fuck her. I look back at Ms.Easterling and she turns around and meets my eyes again. She looks annoyed but softened just slightly when her eyes met mine.

I gestured with my head to the boys sitting on the far left and she looked over them.
"Boys what did I say about talking in my class or would you rather have a months of homework that would count for marks?" She said using her strict teacher voice that made me smile. The boys immediately shut up and said sorry ma'am. She looked back at me and smiled before straightening up.
"Okay let's begin" She said and began to tell us about our poet and the poem which just involved a lot of writing that made my hand tired.

"So everyone lets take a break and get to know everyone I'll go in a list" one by one she started calling names and we had to say a few things about ourselves before she finally landed on me.
"Dixie D'Amelio?" She called and I raised my hand. Her eyes meet mine again and she looked at me and smiled.
"Okay uhm...I play softball for the school, I have a annoying sister and I like tacos" she laughed softly. I had no idea what to really talk about but seeing her laugh made my heart feel warm and safe.

"You play softball for the school?" She asks and I nod my head.
"Yes ma'am" she smirks slightly.
"I'll be helping couch River's with the softball team so I'll see you there, don't disappoint" my heart started speeding up. Now I also get to see her after school for softball that's fantastic. She went on calling more names until everyone had gone.
"Ma'am now it's your turn" one of the girls said and she smiles.

"Well I don't usually do things like this but sure. My real name is Addison but non of you are allowed to call me that. I have three kids, Ava and Juliet are twins and are girls and I have one son named Logan who's the oldest by one year. My favorite color is black and my favorite place to visit is Paris" I smile big. That's so cute, wait does she have a husband?
"Ma'am are you married?" One of the boys asks and she leans against her desk.
"Yes I am" my heart drops a little. Agh what a bummer.

"How old are your kids?" She laughs. Everyone wants to know about her and I don't blame them.
"Ava and Juliet are 4 years old and Logan is 5 years old" she says her loving smile never leaving her face. I could tell that her kids made her happy. The bell rings and I mentally groan. I didn't want to leave I wanted to know more about the gorgeous women in front of me.
"Enjoy the rest of your guys day, don't do drugs and do your homework" she says and I laugh putting my things in my backpack and throwing it over my shoulder.

"Come on Dixie or we are going to be late for history!"Anna says grabbing my hand and pulling me along before I could even process it. I look over at Ms.Easterling just before Anna pulled me out the door and I noticed that she was watching me.

* * *

"Come on where's my batter!" Couch River's shouts and I rush to put on my shoes before running over to couch. I quickly tuck my shirt in.
"I'm here couch!" I shout and couch River's turns her head to look at me.
"Get out there!" She shouts and put on my blue batting helmet and swing my bat in my hand before walking over to my place. I take my position and look over at couch just to see Ms.Easterling standing next to couch rivers and I lost focus.

The ball goes straight past me and I snap out of it.
"That's strike one Dixie, get your head into practice!" Couch rivers shouts and I see Ms.Easterling's eyes on me. She smiled at me and I suddenly wanted to impress her. I breath in and out and prepare myself for the next ball. It comes for me and I hit it with ease. After a minute another ball comes and I hit it into fair territory.

"RUN!" Couch shouts and I toss my bat on the ground and start running around and just as I came to the last one I slipped and my ankle bent and so I went flying to the ground. That's what I get for being over confident. I groan and just laid on the ground.
"Fuck" I say feeling a painful throbbing by my ankle.
"Dixie are you okay?!" I look up at see Ms.Easterling looking down at me. She bends down and helps me sit up.

"I'm oka-" I hiss in pain and Ms.Easterling looks at my ankle.
"Can you move it?" She asks concern filling her voice. I move it slightly but it hurts.
"Oww fuck!" I say she looks at me.
"No swearing" she says and I look at her.
"Please don't let my star batter have a broken ankle!" I look up and see couch River's.
"I'll help her couch you just carry on with practice" couch River's nods.
"Megan take Dixie's place, lets get going again lady's!" All the girls looked at me worried before playing again.

"I'm gonna carry you" wait what?!
"Huh?" I say confused and she laughs.
"Don't worry I'm strong" she says and tucks her arm under my legs. I get the point and she easily carries me in bridal style. I couldn't get over the fact that she was so very close to me and just how good it felt to be in her arms. Oh my word I'm gonna fall hard ain't I?

. . .

I know I shouldn't be starting a new book but I am so.....enjoy!

Why hello Ms.Easterling (dixison) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن