"This is all a test!" He looked at his co-workers with excitement, "like that one show you two watch where the bosses dress up as the worker to trick everyone!"

"You mean Backdoor Boss?" Gwen asked him

"That's it! I'm going to show Cameron Campbell the best day of Camp he's ever seen!"

As David left the cabin, Gwen looked over to (Y/n) to see if she was doing okay. She placed her hand on her shoulder, which (Y/n) only smiled.

"(Y/n) you need to know something," Gwen took a deep breath, "When they took Campbell away to Super Guantanamo, Campbell swore revenge on David,"

(Y/n)'s eyes widen as Gwen continued,

"I want you to talk to David," she grabbed both of her shoulders, "he won't listen to me, but maybe he'll listen to you,"

(Y/n) thought for a quick minute, before nodding her head in agreement. "I'll try my best to talk to him,"


"I've infiltrated the camp and no one suspects a thing,"

(Y/n) was sneaking around the mess hall when she heard Campbell talking into his ascot. She raised her eyebrows before walking into his view. Campbell continued to whisper, still not noticing her behind him. Luckily, David was no where to be seen.

"Infiltrated, huh?"

Campbell turned around immediately to see (Y/n) standing there. Her arms crossed while her usual bright smile was replaced with an angry scold. Campbell turned off his microphone to not let either Miller's hear the conversation.

"What's your deal 'Uncle Cam,' Why are you here?" (Y/n)'s voice reeked of sarcasm when she called him by the childhood nickname

"I should've guessed that my future successor would find me out! I taught you well!"

Campbell for once wasn't lying. When him and (Y/n)'s parents got along, he instantly took a liking to little (Y/n) when she was first adopted. She was the perfect blend of her parents expectations and Campbell's teachings. A young bright girl with a mischievous side.

(Y/n)'s face remained stone cold. She didn't consider herself anything related to this man. After finding out he's not the hero she thought he was, (Y/n) tried her best to be a better person than him.

"I'm not anything to you Campbell," (Y/n) walked closer, making sure to not break eye contact, "now I'm going to ask you again, why are you here?"

Both noticed David walking closer and Campbell decided to speak very loudly, turning on the microphone again.

"Why I'm just a simple camper Ms. (Y/n/n)!" Cameron said as he emphasize each word.

(Y/n) crossed her arms and glared at him as David finally walked up to them. He gave (Y/n) a smile before looking over at Campbell.

"Why hello there! What are you two up to?"

"Why nothing Mr. Davey,"

(Y/n) took note at how little respect Campbell had for both of them. Despite no longer being kids, he refuses to call either by their actual name. Only by childhood nicknames.

"So, Samboy Kidwell," David winked at (Y/n) to let her know he's joking, "I was thinking we could spend the rest of the day to do whatever camp activities you want!"

(Y/n) walked over to stand next to David as he continued, "You may know this, but this camp has something for everyone!"

"Oh wonderful! And in our way, would you speak more clearly into my ascot?" Campbell suggested but was ignored by the two counslers.

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