The Rebels

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So today we are having a party to celebrate the birth of Eadlyn and Ahren. The twins will be at the beginning of the party so everyone can see them but after that, they will be with Carter and Marlee and there few months old, Kile, napping. We finally get through the first part when we hear gunshots. The rebels! Now we haven't had an attack at almost 10 months now so we should have known with throwing a party this would happen. Maxon and I are sitting behind a table at the front of the room with Amberly and Clarkson. The King and Quern bolt to the door and I'm frozen. Maxon is barking orders. A rebel comes and points a gun at me. I'm paralyzed with fear. Maxon tries to lunge for me but it's too late. I was shot. Mason and I are both on the floor under the table. "I got the prince now get the king and queen, " I hear that rebel shout. I was shot in the left side of my stomach. Maxon's bending down over me crying. I feel him put his hand over my wound probably in an attempt to get it to stop bleeding. That makes me open my eyes from the pain. "America please I need you I love you. Don't die. Don't let go, " he begs. It's hard for me to breathe. I know he sees that. I'm pretty sure this is the end of the line for me. My lavender dress is turning red from the blood. I decided to we're lavender today because blue for Ahren and Pink for Eadlyn make purple. So I decided on lavender. "Maxon you will be okay. You still have Eadlyn and Ahren. I love you, " I promise. I can barely breathe now. "Maxon you'll be okay. Go to the safe room, " I say. "I'm not leaving you, my dear, " he says. I push my mouth into a small closed smile. The last time I'll ever hear him call me that. Tears start falling down my face as well as his. "Everyone needs you, Maxon. I'm just a five that somehow managed to fall in love with a prince. And have him fall in love with me. I'm sorry that during the selection I cheated, " I say. "I truly did love you, " I promise him. "He pressed his forehead against mine. He kisses me. It was all our previous kisses in one. Hope love everything. He hits his head really hard on the table and he passes out after we both say we love each other. I feel very light-headed from the loss of blood. I see a figure coming underneath the table. It's Aspen. "What happened? Met are you alright? Is he alright?" he asks. "He just hit his head and passed out. A rebel shot me though, " I struggle to get the words out because my breathing is hitched. He comes to pick me up first and I say, "Aspen take him first he's the prince. People need him. That's an order by the way, " I struggle. He waves over another guard to get Maxon. Oh, it's Officer Tanner. Good guy. Aspen picks me up and runs to the hospital wing. Tanner picks Maxon up and also runs to the hospital wing. I get put in a super-secret hospital room. I didn't even know it was here. They actually just bring Maxon to his room since he just hit his head. "Aspen, how's Eady and Ahren?" I ask. "Fine. They are down in the royal family safe room with Marlee and Carter, " he says. "King Clarkson and Queen Amberly?" I ask so weakly that I wonder if he even heard me. He gives me a sad look, "Gone, " he says. I start crying even more. I pass out from blood loss.
  Maxon's POV...
I wake up in my room. I watched the love of my life die today. I feel like I just got run over by a big truck. A knock comes at my door. "Come in, " I yell. Wow, I even sound like a mess. "Sir, I've come to discuss details for your coronation, " Sylvia says. "Did my parents decide to step down?" I ask bewildered. "Oh, you don't know yet. I'm so sorry but your parents died in the attack, " she says. "What!" I exclaim. No this can't be. I love my parents. My dad might have been terrible. He was still my dad though, and my mother she was amazing I loved her so much. "Hows Eadlyn and Ahren?" I inquire. "They are well. Mrs. Marley and Officer Carter are with them, " she explains. I nod. "I'm giving you freedom in this coronation. You plan the whole thing. I'm sure whatever you do will be fantastic as usual. Now would you please leave me alone?" I say. She looks shocked that she is in charge of something so big. Then sadness goes over her face. "Same with the funeral. I trust you, " I say on the verge of tears. "Yes your highness, " she says with a curtsy and she leaves. I ball my eyes out for who knows how long. I have to get to work but all I can think about is America. I have to eliminate the castes. I have to-it's what America wanted. I groan and place my head in my hands. I then look out my window to see it raining. One of America's favorite things. I walk to the roof where America and I once danced in the rain. I'll never get to look into those crystal blue eyes again or see that fiery red hair. I open the door and see someone standing leaning against the railing in the rain. I see the side of her but that's it. She has fiery red hair. It can't be. Is that America? I stop in my tracks after I closed the door. "America?" I call out. She turns around and smiles. "Hey, " she says. "Is it really you?" I inquire. " It's me, " she says with a small smile. I run-up to her as fast as I can and I kiss her. With so so much passion. I cup her face with my hands. When we finally stop I wrap my arms at her and just stare into her eyes. "I thought you were dead, " I say. "Hmmm last time I checked I was alive, " she jokes. Which makes me smile. "I love you, "  I say. "I love you too, " she says. "You aren't just a five that fell in life with a prince. Who happened to fall in love with her. You are so so much more than that, " I say. She smiles. We dance in the rain being careful with her injury and all. "How are you alive?" I ask. "You were already practically dead before I passed out, " I explain. "Aspen brought me to the hospital wing. I told him to take you first though because the people needed you. So he then called over Tanner and he took you to your room and Aspen brought me to Dr. Ashlar. He was just in time because as soon as I was on the hospital bed I was unconscious, " she tells me. I nod not knowing what to say except, " I'm so glad you are alive, " I say. "Me too, " she says. We both smile then her face falls. "I'm sorry about your parents, " she says. "Thanks, " I say.  "I mean it," she says close to tears. "I know you do. I know they felt like your new parents even though nobody could replace yours. They meant as much to you as they did to me, " I say. A tear slips down her cheek. We hug each other.

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