The Ball

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    So Anne, Mary, and Lucy made me an awesome costume for the Halloween ball. With an amazing headpiece.

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So they help me get ready and all

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So they help me get ready and all. They do my makeup and hair. They purposely are trying to make me fashionably late. The King and Queen get introduced. They are dressed up as a swan and water. So cute. Maxon gets introduced and he dressed up in bright yellow with a headpiece with little triangles. I think he is the sun. Mary, Lucy, and Anne did that. The announcer person actually announces me when I arrive a little late. "Lady America a two from the royal guard. Prince Maxon's date, " the announcer says. I walk down the grand staircase. The King, the queen, and Maxon come up to me at the bottom of the stairs. "Wait we have an announcement, " King Clarkson bellows. I have confusion written all over my face. The whole thing is on live television. "Due to Officer Singer's bravery these past few weeks, we see giving her the patch of honor. She was the first female recruited to be a royal guard and she was extremely good because she was placed here. 2 rebel attacks ago she was shot protecting my son. This past attack she saved my wife and me by shooting a rebel; however, she was shot three times. She also saved my son again, " King Clarkson says. I'm blushing a lot right now. Queen Amberly hands me the badge. "Thank you, " I say. I take Maxon's hand and we slow dance together. I wrap my arms loosely around his neck and he wraps his arms around my waist. I rest my head on his chest. After about 10 minutes I move my head so I'm looking up at him. He looks into my eyes. "You know Maxon, " I start. "Yes?" he asks. "I can think of so many reasons that we shouldn't be together, " I say. He frowns. "But... I can think of so many more reasons why we should, " I say with a smile. "Really?" he asks grinning like an idiot. "Yes, " I say. He kisses me. "You look stunning tonight America, " he says. "Thank you. "You look very handsome Maxon, " I say. "You know Anne, Mary, and Lucy are very sneaky, " he says. "You mean the costumes?" I ask. He nods. "Night and day, " I state. "You know I still can't believe that I am a two, " I say. "I'd gladly change your number to a one, " he smiles. I smile too. I rest my head back on his chest. I see Queen Amberly smiling. Wait?! King Clarkson is as well. I see flashing lights. It's just photographers. "Ugh more photographers, " Maxon groans. "Well why don't we give then a good picture, " I say. I look at him and bite my lip. He stares into my eyes. He kisses me(and closes his eyes so it's not creepy lol). The photographers are probably going crazy right now. We stop kissing and we just talk. "I love you, Maxon, " I say. "I've always loved you, darling, " he says. "I hope the rebels don't come tonight, " Maxon says. "So you know how you said I was off duty, " I say. He nods suspiciously. "I have some weapons on velcro strips that go on your thighs and ankles, " I say. He rolls his eyes. "Maxon Schreave?" I say. "Yes, " he replies. "Will you be my boyfriend?" I ask. "Of course my dear, " he says. " I am not your dear, " I say. He grabs my hands and rubs his thumb on the beads of my bracelet he got me from New Asia. The photographers sucker us into taking some pictures together. I talk with Georgia, Marlee, and Celeste while Maxon talks with August and Carter. When I finish talking to my besties I walk over to Maxon who just finished talking to his friends. "How do you feel about moving into your room from the selection?" Maxon asks. "Maxon it wouldn't be fair to the other girls, " I say. "All the other girls were caught helping the rebels so they were fired, " he says. I gasp. "So?" he inquires. "Everyone else has to share a room and I have all my weapons down there, " I say. "We'll move all of that upstairs to your room and we are going to divide the guys into two rooms now since we don't have but one female guard here anymore, " he says. "Ok I'll move back upstairs, " I say. "Anne, Mary, and Lucy will be assigned to your room again, " he says. "Maxon I only put on my uniforms now and all so I don't need them to come back and work, " I say. "I'm sure they would rather be with you than cleaning, " he says. "Fine, " I say. "I'm glad you agreed because I already discussed it with your maids and they probably already finished with your room, " he says. We both laugh. "Tomorrow we have to have a gala for my mother's birthday, " he says. I nod. "Will you be my date?" he asks. "Yes, " I say. "What should I wear?" I ask. "Your maids already are working on it. It is extremely fancy, " he says. I nod. "It's getting late I should head to bed, " I say. "Yeah me too, " Maxon states. "I'll walk you, " he says. "Ok, " I say.

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