the sky is full of stars

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Dedicated to BrokenAngxl (this is the person who requested this oneshot, they did NOT send me the DM below, they have nothing to do with it, I thought I should clarify to make sure everyone knew they have nothing to do with the paragraph below)

(this was originally titled "This is Home" because that was the song prompt, but i liked this one more)

also (tw for rape and me yelling at people) I can't believe I have to say this but I do not take prompts about rape?? Especially not H/D raping the other and the other falling in love with them after?? Yes I'm publicly kinkshaming you??? I wrote an entire story about Draco and Harry being a sociopathic/psychopathic duo and burning down the world and killing each other and I couldn't even make them hurt kids?? What in the world makes you think I would have them rape each other??? and then try to jUSTIFY IT AND MOVE ON AND HAVE THEM FALL IN LOVE ANYWAYS??? I BEG YOUR FUCKING  P A R D O N?? you know I don't give usernames but I know you're reading this and I didn't respond to your DM bc this is me publicly kinkshaming you for that please nobody EVER send me justified rape prompts? like, even rape as a backstory is thin fucking ice and it's gonna have to really play into the plot if I'm gonna put it there. i almost threw up reading what you asked me to write. the graphic detail, the attempted justification, the AGE DIFFERENCE aspect, the moving on from it without explanation, the fact that you asked me to write the rape in detail????? please get away from me?? unfollow? don't ever dm me again? disgusting.

I'm horrified and appalled and will need to scrub my eyes for three days to erase what I read in that DM

here's a more positive message bc ew

I'd like to give a trigger warning right now for dysphoria, depressive thoughts, self-hating thoughts, and anxious thoughts in this story. It mentions negative thoughts towards oneself being asexual, aromantic, transgender, depressed, and anxious. If you feel that these may trigger you in any way, or that you are not in the right headspace to read it, that's absolutely fine. I'll have a fluffier one out in a few days, and you can read that instead :)

take care of yourself and please understand that there are people like you everywhere. You are not alone in your struggle, and there are people you can reach out to :) you are not a freak, you are not crazy or broken or worthless or useless, you won the genetic race and you are here, on this earth, with sun and rain and fire, you are just as important as everything around you, the ladybugs and the leaves and the rivers. You are here, and you belong here. 

Often, I am upset

He closed his eyes tightly, trying desperately to stop the tears that so badly wanted to fall.

Am I broken? he thought. He had to be broken, something was wrong with him, why was he like this?

When he opened his eyes, the wrecked image in the mirror was still there, staring at him with the same hate it always held.

That I cannot fall in love

Valentine's Day was always hard. The couples, so many happy couples with each other, just loving and kissing and-

He shook his head and sighed. He knew Luna was asexual and aromantic too, but there was a dividing line between them, and that line was care.

Luna didn't care. She was happy with who she was. She focused on helping Neville with his gardening and coming to Ginny's Quidditch games and teaching Harry how to dance and telling Hermione when it was time to take breaks and bringing Ron food to the common room. She wasn't good with touch, but it didn't bother her, and it didn't bother those around her. They were careful with light shoulder touches, avoiding the face and the legs and the neck, and it was easy for her.

Drarry Oneshots 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon