les oiseaux volent à midi

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les oiseaux volent à midi- the birds fly at noon

TW: mentions of suicide, death, and abuse

One for sorrow

Draco is born into tragedy.

When he was one, his grandfather died.

When he was three, his favorite house-elf killed himself.

When he was six, he met a nice girl at the park who his father immediately tore him away from, calling her a 'Mudblood'.

And now, at the ripe old age of ten, he feels what the back of his father's hand feels like for the first time. 

It won't be the last.

Two for joy

The rising, bubbling feeling of excitement spills into Harry's expression as he is welcomed to Gryffindor.

People stand and cheer and clap, and for the first time since he was a tiny baby, Harry feels valued.

It feels amazing.

Ron joins him a few minutes later, expression just as ecstatic as Harry feels.

The redhead leans over in his seat, smile present on his face, and gives Harry the first hug he can remember ever feeling.

It won't be the last.

Three for a girl

Pansy looks as uncomfortable as Draco feels as they dance. Her dress is a deep shade of coral, balancing on a fine line between pink and orange. It brightens her eyes and makes her hair appear darker than the black it already is, but she takes a moment to mutter to Draco that it's itchy as hell and there's a wire somewhere in it that pokes her every time she leans to the left.

Draco makes sure to dip her to the right a bit when they dance.

"Beautiful, isn't she?" his date murmurs, eyes falling on Granger. "Lavender is her color."

"You're supposed to be paying attention to me," Draco teases, but he relents that Granger looks quite lovely.

"Hey, feel free to stare at Potter's arse while I check out Granger."

Draco mock-scowls and dips Pansy to the left. She scowls as the wire pokes her, but no exclamation of protest escapes her lips. They were taught as children to keep their mouths shut through pain and discomfort.

Their fathers had cast the Cruciatus on them until they had learned that lesson.

He spins her and her dress fans out beautifully. Pansy smiles. She likes to feel like a princess.

Draco tries to make her feel like one as often as he can.

There aren't many eyes on them, most are split between the champions and their dates, but Draco is aware that there are lots of people around them and there are a few people who cast glances their way, so he pulls Pansy in and kisses her.

She makes no sound of surprise, just carefully presses back against him in a practiced manoeuver.

Her lips are soft, and she's a good kisser, but Draco is only made more painfully aware of the fact that boys are better kissers and he'd rather have taken Potter or Diggory or Blaise to the Yule Ball instead of Pansy.

He hates himself for it.

Four for a boy

Harry tries not to be stunned by Cedric as the boy extends a hand to help him up, mentioning how tricky Portkeys are and telling him to have fun at the Quidditch World Cup.

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