oh yEET

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--inspired by a tumblr post--

city vlog #7
harry potter
2,307,584 subscribers
21:34 minutes

"What's up you guys!" Harry cheered as he spun around, camera in hand. "Welcome back to my channel, Harry Potter here, you know the gist. As you can see in the title of the video, today I'm going out to the city with some of my friends, and we're just gonna vlog a lot of it, and I'm bringing you guys along with me!"

"Hell yeah!" Ron cheered. "We're bringing Padfoot too."

Said dog tugged on the leash Hermione was currently holding, and Harry laughed. 

"We're just waiting for Ginny, and then we'll go," Luna added, poking her head over Harry's shoulder to smile at the camera.

"If she would hurry up!" Ron shouted up the stairs.

"Bite me, Ronald!" Ginny's head poked around the corner. "Luna, my bra is stuck in my hair."

As Luna dashed off camera, Harry turned back to face it, smile still present on his face.

"So, I'm hoping to get a new ring light because mine is ass, and then we're going to get some ice cream and check out the new fountain they built, and-" Harry glanced up, before lowering his voice. "We're gonna look for birthday presents for Ginny. Don't worry, I won't publish this video until after her birthday. Although, you already know that. I'm just clarifying."

"Here!" Ginny cheered, rushing around the corner. "Let's go, ladies!"

a PSA by me
harry potter
2,394,656 subscribers
0:08 minutes

"Guys," Harry sighed, spinning dramatically around in his chair. "I gotta be honest with you. Boys are hot as fucK-"

He fell off his chair at the last word.

my truth
harry potter
2,576,322 subscribers
34:11 minutes

"Hello," Harry sighed, face serious, before he broke into a smile. "I'm kidding. This is far from a serious video."

Ginny hopped into frame, landing on Harry's lap and smiling brightly.

"Hello. My name is Harry Potter. I'm not gay. I'm not straight. I'm certainly not dating Ginny, and she's not straight either. Yes, we used to date. No, I don't have a significant other."

Luna poked her head in, kissing Ginny for about five awkward seconds before Harry pushed Ginny off his lap and told them to get a room.

"So, let me tell you my story," Harry began with a smile.

i lost a bet
harry potter
4,389,663 subscribers
23:14 minutes

"I lost a bet," Harry started with a sigh.

"He should have learned not to bet against me by now," Hermione said with a grin.

"We're giving him a makeover!" Ginny cheered.

Harry sighed, but the grin on his face was obvious.

"First, I've picked out an outfit for him," Ginny continued, still smiling. She held it up. "Wear it."

"There's so much yellow, I hate yellow!" Harry complained.

"Don't care."

Harry huffed, but grabbed the clothes and went into his room to put them on. A minute later, he came out wearing a yellow crop top and white jeans, along with matching yellow shoes.

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