the real way harry potter should have gone

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fun fact: it's never stated in the harry potter books that draco got the dark mark. only in the movies is it stated

fuck the movies

if Remus and Sirius had raised harry potter he would have killed voldie boi with his pure wit and sass before the elder wand even came into play

also the fact that you guys literally gave me the sweetest responses on the last chapter and genuinely calmed me down (not an easy feat i rarely get mad but when i get angry i get ANGRY) has earned you a 21,308 word oneshot that took me an unnecessarily long time to write

this is the longest oneshot I've ever written to date

it also might be one of my favorites

October 31, 1981

A bearded man sets a small child on the doorstep of his relatives' home.

"Good luck, Harry Potter."

The three people in front of the house disappear.

After a moment, two more appear where they had been standing.

One picks up the baby, while the other Vanishes the basket and the note with shaking hands.

They disappear.

July 31, 1984

A now 4-year-old Harry Potter positively lights up when he unwraps the tiny broom in the package.

"Sirius, you didn't."

"James was a Seeker! He's got genetic talent!"

"James flew into a wall four seconds after he got his Nimbus."

"And then he became one of the best Seekers in Hogwarts! Honestly, Remus, let the kid have some fun."

Harry flies into the wall.

"Stop laughing, Remus."

July 31, 1991

"We still can't find him, Dumbledore. His relatives insist that they never received a child on their doorstep! We checked the whole house, although maybe it's for the best, they were very unpleasant people."

"Are you sure, Hagrid? Who would kidnap Harry Potter?"

"Everyone in the world who knew his name, Albus. Starting with Sirius Black."

"Minerva, please gather the Aurors. We need a search and rescue."

"Why didn't we check up on him before, Albus? If the Dursley family never received a child, the boy has been missing for almost ten years! That's ten years we never checked with them to see if Harry was alright!"

"Get the Aurors."

"Answer my question, Albus. Do you really care about Harry, or do you just need him for your grand scheme?"

"That's enough, Minerva."

"That is not enough! This boy is missing because of your decisions!"

"And what would you have done differently?"

"I would have taken him in instead of leaving him with those horrible people that Lily Potter cut off for a reason!"

"You would have raised the child?"

"His name is Harry, Albus, and you can be damn sure I would have."

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