tumblr shorts

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i read too many tumblr post writing prompts and get inspired by them so this is just a short writing practice for me that i happen to post this really isn't anything but a few short writing practices

don't take these as any sort of real story, they're just stupid writing shorts

-- prompt 1119 by daily-prompts on tumblr--

"Personify laughter and tears"

He was Laughter.

Messy hair from being unable to sit still, a bright smile on his face. He would laugh when faced with stupid situations, nervously giggle when he was stressed, burst out in laughter when he saw his awful outfit combinations in the mirror. His green eyes lit up when met with challenges, and he surrounded himself with others.

He was carefree, careless, caring. He would smile and bring joy whenever he could.

It was exhausting sometimes, always having to have this smile, but what else could he do? Everyone knew him as Laughter, it was who he was to them, he couldn't shatter how they imagined him by showing any sadness.

He was Tears.

His hair was pin-straight and always perfect, and it felt like the only thing in the world that was. He cried and cried and cried, grey eyes watery all the time, constantly comparing himself to others and contemplating his own inevitable demise. He couldn't stand to look at himself, he was hideous, no one would ever love him.

He was anxious and sad and overwhelmed by the slightest things.

More than anything, he was exhausted. He wanted to badly to just laugh, to feel some sort of happiness, but he had been so sad for so long that he wasn't sure he could.

He hated Laughter. How could someone be so happy, hold so much joy in their heart, be so full of love and sunshine?

He told Laughter this. He told him that he hated him, his stupid black hair and green eyes and smile.

Laughter agreed.

This stunned Tears. He hadn't expected such an honest answer.

Laughter just sat down with a sigh, head in his hands, and told Tears he didn't know how much longer he could maintain this facade. 

Tears asked him why he did.

And Laughter stopped for a moment, and whispered: "I don't know."

And Laughter cried.

Tears held him in his arms and comforted Laughter as he cried, cried for so long that Tears wondered just how long he'd been pretending to be okay.

Laughter shakily pulled away. "That's the first time I've ever cried."

"Join the club," Tears responded.

Laughter laughed at that, a genuine smile lighting up his whole face.

And Tears couldn't help but laugh along with him.

-- prompt 1144 by daily-prompts on tumblr--

The phrase "and we would just melt into the scenery" has to be used twice in your paragraph or story.

"We're nobody, you know," Malfoy murmurs quietly in the middle of the silent Hospital Wing.

"Excuse me?" Harry is the only other person in here, the cut on his lip and bruise around his eye healing slower than he'd like.

He gains some satisfaction from the wince Malfoy gives when he turns, evidence of the broken ribs Madam Pomfrey had had to heal.

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