draco dyes his hair and harry loses his goddamn mind

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I wrote this bc I'm a slut for draco dying his hair and harry being a gay disaster

heehee i think it's so goddamn funny that people keep messaging me like "but i credited you!" and "you gave me permission!!!" like
a) crediting me doesn't excuse you you should ask if you are allowed to repost my work before posting it. i will say yes if you ask, but you have to ask
b) i have a running list on a google doc of every person who I've personally given permission to use my ideas, translate my stories, and make artwork inspired by my stories to make sure I don't accidentally report them, i know every single person who I've given permission to and SWEETIE YOU ARE NOT ON THAT LIST LMFAO

its also so funny to me that i never write smut but almost all of the fanfic i read is rated explicit, and i write on Wattpad but i almost exclusively read on AO3

Pride month might be over, but our pride will live on  🏳️‍🌈

Harry was just lifting his fork to his mouth when his eyes happened to catch sight of something across the Great Hall.

He dropped his fork.

"Hhhhnngh," he said eloquently.

Hermione stared at him, and Ron paused his eating to give Harry a concerned look. "Something you wanna tell us, mate?"

"I-" Harry was still speechless, so he settled for pointing across the room. "Hngh."

Hermione and Ron slowly turned around and gaped.

Draco Malfoy's hair was pale blue.

"Hnglm," Harry mumbled.

"Oh Merlin, Harry's having a gay crisis," Dean said, eyes flicking between Malfoy and Harry. 

"I would too," Seamus added, swinging his arm around Dean's shoulders. "Look at him!"

Dean squinted at his boyfriend in mock-jealousy, but even his eyes roamed appreciatively over Malfoy's frame. 

Harry finally found his voice. "I'm not having a gay crisis, I already know I'm fucking gay. I'm having a Malfoy-Is-Attractive-But-He's-Also-A-Giant-Prick-So-I-Don't-Know-How-To-React-To-This crisis."

Dean was nodding, and it took Harry a moment to realize that Seamus, Ron, and Hermione were nodding as well, eyes locked on Malfoy. 

Some sort of weird jealousy sparked in Harry as they stared at Malfoy, but before he could think about that too much, Malfoy looked up and met Harry's eyes, startled. His wide eyes scanned each person who was staring at him with confusion before he seemed to realize why they were staring and ran a hand through his hair.

That, however, caused a new problem, because Harry's eyes caught onto one of the many bracelets adorning Malfoy's wrist. The rainbow one, to be specific. The rainbow one that Harry also had, the one that came from one specific store in Diagon Alley that sold LGBTQIA+ accessories.

He turned to face his friends. "Okay, now I'm having a Malfoy-Is-Attractive-And-I-Also-Think-He-Might-Be-Gay-But-He's-Also-A-Giant-Prick-So-I-Don't-Know-How-To-React-To-This crisis."

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