Chapter Eleven: Crazy Off

Start from the beginning

"I don't want you to believe anything but the truth, Babes."

Silver chains rattled as they unwound from the desk chair to wrap around my waist. Grabbing the handles of my swords, I shivered in delight when the cool blue metal snaked around my fingers and wrists. Bracelets tinkling, I waved at her to follow me from the tent.

"Wait, did you have dinner yet? I brought a bowl of coddle."

To lie or not- Oh, who am I kidding? "I already ate."

As soon as I stepped out from the tent, fresh air heavily scented with smoking vegetables greeted me. Nodding to the nearby fae, some with blue ribbons and some without, I continued on my way to the outskirts of the camp. The small bonfires scattered about lit our path out from the tents and into the tree line where a small group waited for us. Dougal, General Erick, and a few soldiers spoke in low tones as we approached.

One of the soldiers, sporting teal colored hair and a blue ribbon around his wrist, spotted me first. Sliding out from the group, he stepped in front of me with a nervous look. Chest tightening, I watched as his eyelids lowered and his head bowed, "My Queen."

Once the words left his mouth, the others were quick to turn my way and repeat the gesture. Uncomfortable, I nodded in respect to the soldiers and caught sight of the blue ribbon they all wore. Before I could panic, they fanned out so that we could see each other clearly. Each soldier had their preferred weapon strapped to their body and a serious expression hardening their features.

"We're ready to go when you are, My Queen."

Nodding at Dougal, I glanced over the rest. "Does everyone here know where we're headed? And who we're meeting?" At the reassured 'yes's, I continued, "If you don't want to go, stay here. No one will think any less of you."

"These soldiers know the risk, My Queen." General Erick announced.

"Perfect. So, then listen closely. None of you will be harmed on this little mission if you follow the blue rules."

A soldier with rose petal eyes tilted his head, "The blue rules?"

Laughing at Dani's groan, I fluffed my shiny hair, "Blue's a thousand times better than gold, don't you think Babes?" Scanning over their amused looks, I pushed on, "Going into any banshee den but especially Afric's, these will be your tools of survival. Rule One, Show absolutely no fear. Rule Two, Never at any point separate from the group. Rule Three, Do not and I repeat do not drink or eat anything offered to you." Locking eyes with each of them, I added the most important rule of the night. "This last rule is only for tonight but I need you to follow it to the T. No matter what is said or done tonight, you will not intervene in my conversation with Afric."

Dougal immediately went to disagree, "Fahbt Siúcra, you can't ask us to just standby."

"I can and I am. If your reason for wearing my color is true then you will listen to me. Afric isn't someone you can handle."

"But you can?"

Turning to the General, I raised a brow and stated point blank, "We have a Death Deal. Afric is Den Head because of me. I took out his brothers in exchange for a future favor. He now owes me a large debt that I plan on collecting, plain and simple."

While a few of them looked impressed as a Death Deal wasn't something to balk at, Dougal was angry. Holding his gaze, I waited for him to say something but he seemed to bite his tongue. I knew he would be pissed when he found out exactly what kind of deal it was. Instead of sealing the deal with a jolt of magic, a Death Deal with a banshee required both participants to die. Me and Afric's death had only lasted a couple of minutes but it was enough to seal the deal.

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