⸢ Prologue ⸥

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!Just to be warned, this story is currently under editing¡

The male walked down the street, a bright smile on his lips, enjoying the fresh air and the warmth of the sun beaming down his face, with the wind gently grooming his hair.

He had never been happier since he left his father and met the love of his life.

He turned to his left to face a chocolate brown door, placing his hand onto the smooth oak, before pushing it open and into the warmth of the little cafe.


Joshua ran towards the guy behind the counter and hugged him, ignoring the stares of the customers.


He looked up at the other, just as a kiss was placed onto his lips, making the boy flustered.

"Take a break. I'll make you a drink." Joshua stammered, trying to shake off the embarrassment.

Vernon chuckled at the sight of the younger boy attempting to reach over to a cupboard, accidentally knocking a plastic cup onto the ground.


"What's this? A marriage contract?"

He swept back his blonde hair, his hazelnut eyes scanning over the document, slightly baffled at the proposal.

The male sat on his seat, relaxed, with his legs crossed, as he looked up at the man with his piercing eyes.

"Yes, Mr Yoon. A marriage with my son, Joshua Hong."

"What does he look like?"

The man took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to the male before stepping back.

"Quite a pretty guy, isn't he?" he commented, as his sharp eyes darted back to the other.

The male smirked and placed the picture face down onto his desk, leaning back and resting his legs on the desk.

"Do you think I'm that stupid to agree, Hong?"

"W-What do you mean, sir?" the man asked, getting nervous from the male's change of attitude.

"You sent those people after me, am I not correct?" he questioned as he gestured at the guards standing beside him.

"Take him down to the basement. Torture him, and don't stop until I say so."

"W-Wait! Sir-"

The man was immediately cut off as the guards swarmed around him, grabbing his arms before dragging his body out of the room.

A boy, who stood beside him, watching the events unfold, let out a little whistle with his hand in his pocket.

"You finally took the trash out, huh?"

"I decided that I'll be fine without distractions in my life."

"But, Jeonghan, you should start working on that love life of yours."

"What do you mean, Jun?"

The younger male shook his head, being the more sensible one out of the three. Jun had always wanted to be the one, living a life that is unrelated to the mafia.

"Fucking those chicks in your club isn't a relationship. A relationship is something that isn't temporary. It's something that you are committed to."

Jeonghan stood up and rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. I'm going out. Tell Mingyu to catch up on yesterday's task. He's probably flirting with that new butler in the garden."

With that, he exited the office, feeling a little pissed at the truth, leaving Jun sighing and shaking his head.

"I tried to help him, but it seems like it isn't working," he muttered to himself.

"I just wish the right person could enter his life."


Joshua picked a pretty flower from the ground, with Vernon sitting at a bench watching him.

The sun beamed down onto the male, a gold lining streaking across his hair, his skin becoming a warm tan, making Vernon seem like an angel sent from heaven.

As the boy headed back towards his lover's direction, he failed to notice a guy walking in front of him until it was too late.

He felt an impact on his left shoulder, falling onto the ground, feeling a heavy weight on top of him.

He let out a small groan and looked up to see a guy dressed in a white shirt, leather jacket, black, skinny jeans and a cap, along with a mask, on top of him. The male immediately got off of him and held his hand out.

Just as Joshua took his hand to get up, the guy slightly tilted his head up enough for Joshua to notice two pairs of cognac eyes. They were cold, but something told the boy that there was more to them.

The male seemed to freeze for a moment as he studied his face before shaking his head and helped Joshua up.

"I'm so sorry... I've always been a bit clumsy." Joshua apologised, bowing slightly, with the flower still in his hand.

"It's fine." the guy said, waving both of his hands in front of him as he began to head off.

As if he didn't have control of his own body anymore, Joshua grabbed the stranger's wrist.

"W-Wait! Could I get your name?"

The male looked back and stared at Joshua for a few moments before replying.

"I'm Yoon Jeonghan. What about you?"

Yoon Jeonghan.

The name hit him like a bullet. It was so familiar yet so foreign to him like the guy was speaking a different language he hadn't heard before.

"I'm Joshua Hong."

Jeonghan gave him a nod as the younger released his grip on his wrist before leaving the area.

The boy continued to stare in the distance, even when Jeonghan had disappeared from view, before feeling a warm feeling wrap around his waist and hug his back.

"Who was that, Joshi?" Vernon asked him curiously.

"No one special..." Joshua said, looking back at Vernon before a smile appeared on his lips, holding the flower in front of him like a small present.

"No one at all..."

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Just to be warned this story may include:

- Abuse
- Boy x boy
- Criminalism
- Mature language
- R*pe
- Smut

Everything in this book is purely fictional! If you don't like anything that has been written in here, then please click out of this story. You are always free to come back and read this!

Start - 15th July 2020
Finish - 8th February 2021


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