The Summer Witch

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"I see. But what are you doing here?" He gestured to the prison cell.

"I'm not sure," I didn't want to say it was because of Edmund, he might get the wrong idea. "The Witch asked if I knew about some sort of prophecy and when I said I didn't she tossed me in here."

"I'm surprised no one has told you yet, I would assume they would have made sure to tell you."

"What do you mean? What is this prophecy?"

He smiled. "I shall tell you. It goes like this: "When Adam's flesh and Adam's bone sits at Cair Paravel in throne, the evil time will be over and done.'"

I frowned, "You know, that doesn't exactly rhyme."

"You're missing the point!" He laughed, "It has long been foretold that two Sons of Adam and two Daughters of Eve will aid the Summer Witch," He pointed to me, "in defeating the White Witch and will restore peace to Narnia."

I looked at him for a moment then promptly burst out laughing.

"And you think I'm the Summer Witch?"

"Well, yes! You are the only non-Pevensie and you're a Daughter of Eve." He said as if that cleared everything up.

"But I don't have any powers, I'm just a human."

"The only reason you can't use your powers yet is that you don't have your... conductor!" He exclaimed.

"Like how radios don't work without antennas?" I questioned.

"I'm not sure what those are but yes!" Mr. Tumnus smiled, "Actually, I might have something you could use."

I watched him dig around in his scarf. What could possibly fit in a scarf?

"Aha!" He pulled out a set of panpipes. "This might work as a conductor, my kind has used it for generations for simple party tricks but you might be able to use it for much more."

He held them out to me and I carefully took them. I looked at him skeptically but he motioned for me to blow into the bamboo pipes. I gently placed my lips on the edge and blew, trying to mimic what I remembered of his gentle song from the other day. To my great surprise, beautiful music began to flow out of the flute, and with it a warm glow. Making sure not to stop playing, I watched the strings of warm light float around the room.

Mr. Tumnus reached up and ran his fingers through the light, "It's warm, much like a small flame."

I stopped playing. "Wait a second." I scooted over to the ice wall farthest from the door and prayed it was an outer wall of the castle. "What if this light can melt the wall?"

"I see you're no longer denying that you are the Summer Witch." He grinned.

"Oh, be quiet. This is some pretty hard evidence." I held up the flute.

"Well then, try your best to master it now, because I don't know when The Witch will come back."

I nodded and turned back to the wall as Mr. Tumnus scooted to sit behind me, blocking me from the view of any guards who might walk by. I held the pipes up to my lips once again and began to play a new song, one with more strength and more fast-paced. The light started to stream out again, only this time less curious and more focused, flying straight for the corner of the wall I was facing. The longer I played, the brighter and hotter it got and the more ice I melted away. I was nearly three quarters done when Mr. Tumnus tapped my shoulder. I stopped playing.

"I can hear them down the hall. Hurry and play faster, you must escape, the fate of Narnia depends on it." He whispered.

One look at him and I knew he wasn't planning on coming along, he would make sure to cover my escape route. I nodded and began to play faster, this time much more desperate. The wall melted quickly, leaving only a thin barrier that I kicked out with my foot. I poked my head out of the hole and realized I wasn't specific enough with my praying. The wall was indeed an outer wall, but it was also multiple stories above the ground. I pulled my head back in and turned to Mr. Tumnus, now fully aware of the footsteps only a couple of feet down the hall.

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