The Witch's Castle

Start from the beginning

Oh, that explains the staring earlier. But what did he mean 'help him'? "Help you how?"

He bit his lip, "She said she could make me a king. Then I wouldn't be second best to Peter anymore."

I gaped at him. He couldn't possibly think he was second best, "What are you talking about?! You aren't second best to Peter! I mean sure he's the oldest and often takes charge, but that doesn't make him better than you."

He glanced at me and I could tell he was surprised. He turned away and didn't say anything but I knew I hadn't changed his mind because we kept walking towards the mountains. I sighed but kept quiet. When he wanted to talk to me he would.

Another five minutes had passed and we round a corner, a giant castle made of icicles came into view. I sucked in a breath. It was beautiful but it had a deadly aura surrounding it.

Edmund kept walking towards it until we reached a bridge that connected the land to the castle in the frozen lake. "She could probably make you a queen, you know." He whispered.

I looked at him sadly, "I don't care for that sort of thing. I'd rather become a queen by myself than have someone else make me one."

He looked at me in surprise, "So, then why are you coming with me?"

"Someone has to make sure you don't get yourself killed, right?"

I looked up to see a small smile on his face while he stared straight ahead. I too turned to look ahead and saw that we were right in front of the massive ice doors leading into the castle. I took a deep breath, and stepped inside, matching my footsteps with Edmund's.


The castle was huge. It rested in the center of a frozen lake that I now stood on the shore of, it's blue glow radiating across the icy surface. I stared at it in awe for a moment before remembering why I was here and directed my attention to the two figures entering the castle through the large doors. Y/n and Edmund.

"Edmund!" Lucy tried to get his attention.

"Shh!" Beaver panicked, "They'll hear you."

Quickly realizing that "they" would most likely hurt Edmund and Y/n if Beaver was this frightened of them, I surged forward to run across the frozen lake. I had to reach them before it was too late, but before I could Beaver yanked on my coat and pulled me back. "No!"

"Get off me!" I yelled as I tried to shake him off.

"You're playing into her hands."

"We can't just let them go." Susan cried.

"They're the bait! The Witch wants all five of you!" He screamed.

"Why?!" I asked.

"To stop the prophecy from coming true." the small creature exclaimed, "To kill you!"

My stomach dropped. I looked back to the doors and watched them close behind Edmund and Y/n. If what Beaver told us earlier is true, if we really are the people in the prophecy, then The Witch would use Edmund and Y/n to get to us. Or she might just kill them while they are in her castle. What did we get ourselves into?!

"This is all your fault!"

I whirled around to face Susan, "My fault?" I shouted in disbelief.

"None of this would have happened if you had listened to me in the first place!"

"Oh, so you knew this would happen."

"I didn't know what would happen." She was practically in my face now. "Which is why we should've left while we still could!"

"Stop it!" Lucy screamed. "This isn't going to help Edmund and Y/n."

Mr. Beaver piped up, "She's right. Only Aslan can help them now."

I looked down at him and decided to hope that this mighty Aslan could really help us. "Then take us to him."

- - - 

The snarling behind us grew louder as we ran inside the Beaver's home.

"Hurry, Mother! They're after us!" Beaver shouted when he saw Mrs. Beaver.

She jumped and started to quickly waddle towards the cabinets, "Oh, right then."
"What is she doing?!" I asked Mr. Beaver while mentally begging her to hurry up so we don't end up doggy treats. He sighed and waved his hand in an exasperated manner.

"Oh, you'll be thanking me later. It's a long journey and Beaver gets pretty cranky when he's hungry."

"I'm cranky now!"

Susan rushed over to the table to help Mrs. Beaver, "Do you think we'll need jam?"

"Only if The Witch has toast!" I said, I personally think it was a pretty good joke but Susan didn't seem to agree.

Her reply was cut off by loud snarling just outside the frosted window. By the sound of it, there were many wolves circling the hut looking for a way in. I mentally thanked Mr. Beaver for building such a good home. But his building skills were not perfect seeing as a few wolves had started to dig through gaps in the branches. Mr. Beaver tugged on my jacket and gestured to follow him down a hole behind a fake wall, I grabbed a torch and jumped into it.

"Badger and me dug this." He said while we ran down the tunnel. "Comes out right near his place."

"You told me it led to your mum's!" Mrs. Beaver chuckled.

"Umph!" I turned around to see Lucy getting up from the ground, the momentary stall of our footsteps revealing the sounds of barks down the tunnel. "They're in the tunnel." She whispered.

"Quick, this way!"

We scrambled to catch up with the beavers ahead of us. "Quick, quick, quick!" Mrs. Beaver ushered.

Suddenly there was a wall in front of us, we were at a dead end. "You should have brought a map!"

"There wasn't room next to the jam!" Mr. Beaver said before jumping up and climbing out a tunnel going straight up. I pushed everyone up in front of me then quickly clambered up, painfully aware of the barks getting closer and closer. As soon as I reached the top Beaver and I grabbed a barrel by the entrance and shoved it on top of the hole. A sudden yelp from Lucy made Beaver and I turn around to see her on her bum on a pile of small stone figures. Wait, not figures, animals. Animals that had been turned to stone mid-scream. I looked at Beaver as he made his way over towards a stone badger.

"I'm so sorry, dear."

Beaver hung his head low, "He was my best mate."

-Finally got some Edmund and Y/n in this one, I've been waiting for this scene so they could finally bond a little. From here on there will be a lot more of them, at least when it's their pov's. Thanks for reading, sorry for any mistakes!-


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