"Yes Dad, I do." I spoke in a low voice. Chewing on my bottom lip, I contemplated whether my answer was enough or not.

It wasn't.

"He means a lot to me." I momentarily glanced at my father's understanding face before walking out.

The door bell rung.

Grunting, I walked towards the door and opened it.

My furrowed eyebrows raised to their possible height when I saw Jimin standing in front of me. His hair messy but presentable as always, hands in his pocket, lips shaped into a subtle and soft pout and everything else I wanted to see. 

"Hi." He spoke slowly, as if testing the waters.

Clearing my throat, I spoke with a smile snaking its way onto my lips, "Hey." His posture relaxed and greeted me back with a small smile of his own.

"Care to go for a walk?"

His unexpected invitation caught me off guard but I shrugged off my procrastination for later. "Sure, just let me get my jacket!"

I ran upstairs to my bedroom and hastily pulled over my black denim jacket, combed my fingers through my hair to settle them from the mild havoc they looked like. After a quick look over in the mirror, I rushed down the stairs and darted outside the house to join Jimin. He was leaning against his car, head ducked down, eyes searching for something anonymous on the floor.

He looked up at the sound of my approaching footsteps. His lips twitched upwards in a warm smile, "Ready?"

I nodded. "Ready."

He pulled himself up straight before we began walking down the street, my house soon dissipating from our sight.

We were sitting on the curb of a deserted road, the faint voices of the city's hustle floating in the air, while we ate our ice cream under the night sky.

"Are you okay Jimin?" I suddenly asked, breaking the silence.

Jimin gave me a quick glance before pressing his lips into a thin line. "I'm sorry you had to see me that way, I didn't want you to."

"There is nothing to apologize for Jimin", I said getting a little agitated, though my tone gave nothing away. He remained silent, staring at the empty road.

I let out a sigh. "Jimin."


"Can I ask you something?"

He turned his head, now fully taking in my features with slightly hooded eyes. "Anything."

"Trust me." I breathed out. "Maybe its too much to ask, but i want- I need to you to trust me."

"Whenever you need to talk, when you feel like lessening the burden you are carrying, just remember you can talk to me." I kept my face down and rambled on, unable to meet his piercing gaze.

The silence resumed for a while before Jimin spoke in a hushed tone.

"My Mom died when I was 13, in a car accident."

I inhaled a sharp breath, waiting for him to continue.

"Uhh she died and my father, my father left the country a month later, not wanting anything to do with me. I lived alone, the maids were there to feed me but other than that I had no one. I began to have nightmares, felt like I was losing my mind, it felt hard to breathe, it pained, but no one believed me, thought I'd gone mental. 

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