Edikan thought for a moment. "Earlier, I went to get something at the cafeteria outside, I saw her with her brother."

"Ahhh," Ore said in realization. "I should have known, thanks Edikan. I owe you one."

"No problem," Edikan assured going back to reading her novel. "Just make sure you guys settle for real this time!"

"We will," Ore called hurrying out of the room as her phone began vibrating in her purse. "And happy valentine's day."

Edikan waved her goodbye and resumed her dreamy posture under the covers of her blanket. Ore passed by the common room and glanced at her outfit in the wall mirror. The new hair she made in a bun had been carefully combed and the edges curled. Her face was patted with a glow oil she bought in her secondary school days and hid from her mother.

Ore smacked her cherry lips once again and headed outside where the cool evening breeze caressed the trees and carried away the lively chatter of students in the gelid air. Dami was relaxing by the side of his red pickup and picking on a stone with his right foot. He didn't notice when Ore approached him. It was the sound of the car door that jolted him and he turned with eyes widened.

Ore looked beautiful with her fleshy thighs exposed and glossy lips. He grinned and pulled her into a hug.

"I have missed you so much baby, so so much." Dami pressed his face on her neck and took a good sniff of Ore's emergency perfume. "You smell so good yummy."

Dami did as if he wanted to bite her neck with his teeth and Ore flinched staring at him appalled.

"I am just kidding." Dami laughed raising his hands up in defense. Ore smirked measuring Dami's toned muscles in his v-neck shirt and a penciled jean trouser in awe.

"You know," she started. "This is the first time I am actually seeing you wearing jeans, what happened this time?"

"Nothing," Dami huffed. "Now get in, I have a lot planned for you baby."

"Really?" Ore was excited. "But before we go, I want you to show me how much you've missed me."

Ore pouted and closed her eyes for a brief moment before Dami's lips collided with hers. She sighed in bliss, pulling him closer and kissing him with all her might. All the anxiety, sexual tension and pent up frustration washed away like the wind in that one blissful moment. Ore didn't realize she was kissing the air when Dami shifted back.

She bit on her bottom lip and slowly opened her eyes. Dami laughed at the mock horror expression on her face and led her by the hand to the already opened car door. Then, he bowed.

"Milady?" Ore snickered at Dami's antics and was about getting in the passenger's seat when she remembered she had something to do first.

"Have you seen Philip around?" Ore asked stalling some meters away from Dami.

Dami raised an accusatory brow and slammed the car door loudly.

"What the hell do you need him for?"

"Relax," Ore chided placing a hand on Dami's chest and rubbing the sparse hairs delicately. She kissed a sore spot and he hardened in response. "Now tell me where he is," she whispered seductively in his ear.

"Philip, fancy seeing you here," Ore greeted with a forced cheer in her tone. Philip was talking with Mercy, their heads were almost touching like they were hiding something morbid and when Ore stepped into their midst, they jolted and faced the opposite direction.

"So you guys were gossiping me huhnn?" Ore frowned folding her arms. "Now, I am cross."

"It's nothing," Philip scratched his head and blew out a breath. "We were talking about something else."

"Ohhh," Ore stated watching something flicker in Philip's eyes as he looked her over.

"You look so beautiful," he croaked slipping a hand cooly into his pocket.

"I thought so too!" Ore slid a finger across the light stubble on his chin earning her a hard stare from Mercy. "I will take care of you later, for now would you borrow me your sister?"

"Sure," Philip breathed. The sudden close contact with Ore made him crave what he couldn't ever get. Bros before hoes, he thought.

Ore briefly smiled and pulled Mercy to a corner. Mercy dragged her arm away and shot her an irritated look.

"I know you're very mad at me okay, I am mad at myself too for acting so childish." Ore started but Mercy interrupted.

"Point of correction, you are childish," Mercy sniffed and shuffled her feet.

The word 'childish' hit Ore hard and she recoiled in her mind. "I am trying my best here," Ore said through gritted teeth. "Now if you don't want my apology, I can as well leave."

"Please do." Mercy stepped out of her way. "I don't want you causing another scene here." With that, she stalked off leaving Ore baffled.

Ore heaved a sigh and marched angrily to Dami's car. She got in beside him and slammed the door behind her before adjusting her seatbelt. A muscle twitched in Dami's jaw and he clenched the steering wheel.

"Can you at least tell me what happened?" He asked lowly, trying to control his temper.

"Nothing." Ore whined down the windows and wholly inhaled the scent of fresh pine trees. "Just drive."

Dami banged his fist on the horn and jammed the keys into the ignition before changing the gear to reverse.

Martha observed the whole scene from a far distance with a heavy heart. If it hadn't been for her, none of their quarrel would have happened and they would still have been the roommates that most of their block mates envied. As she was about going out from the tall tree that she was hiding, someone poked her from behind and she turned sharply.

Her breath caught in her throat when she saw that it was Philip in a suede jacket and black leather boots. Before she could utter a word, Philip claimed her lips hungrily and when he pulled back, tears were in streaks down his hollow cheeks.

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