Chapter 28

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Here's Chapter 28 you guys. Enjoy 😊 Don't forget to comment and vote.

WARNING: This Chapter contains violence. Read with caution...

Chapter 28

Tyron's POV

I sighed as I took the last of the Macy's bags out of Chasity's trunk, before I proceeded to make my way up my porch and into my house. I then walked into the living room and placed the bags onto the floor near the couch, before I looked over at Yandy who was putting some bags onto the floor as well. There's no doubt in my mind that she's pissed at me. She hasn't said a word to me since I mentioned to her that Adrienne and her girlfriend is coming over. 

"Yandy...." I called out to her, not liking the silent treatment that she was currently giving me. Me and Yandy have grown to be very close over these past few months and I don't like the fact that she's upset with me.

Yandy rolled her eyes "Tyron, don't say shit to me" she stated as she bent down to gather the bags up near the fireplace, a clear attitude in her tone.

I sighed "Yandy look...I know that this is bad...okay. I know that it is, but I'm going to fix this" I said, more to myself than to her. I don't know how I'm going to fix this yet, but I am.

She let out an obnoxiously loud laugh, before she stood up and faced me fully, fire blazing in her eyes. If looks could kill I would've dropped dead.

"And how the fuck are you going to fix it Tyron?!" she snarled, before paused, and closed her eyes as she pinched the bridge of her nose. She stood like that for a couple of seconds, looking like she was trying to control her temper. 

Finally she opened her eyes, looking visibly calmer "I told you... not to drag this shit along Ty. When you and Chasity got serious I told you to leave the whole Adrienne shit where it was at, and to stop playing with Chasity's emotions. I told you about how she was crying to me about you dating Adrienne and she couldn't understand why you wouldn't leave Adrienne for her. But do you know what you did? You continued to do what the fuck you wanted to do, and now look what happened. Adrienne and Maya are coming over here to 'talk' and now we have to plead our case! Yo, when Chasity finds out about this whole fake relationship shit she's going to be pissed at all of us. But you know what, she's mostly going to be pissed at me because it was my plan to begin with" she snapped.

I closed my eyes and sighed as I thought over everything Yandy had just said.... she's right. When Chasity finds out about this whole thing she's going to blow the fuck up, and it won't be pretty. I don't even think she'll be mad about the fact that I had pretended to have a girlfriend...she's going to be mad about the fact that I made her believe that she was in competition with another woman when me and her got serious. When me and Chasity really started getting back to the way we use to be, I should've ended the whole Adrienne thing like Yandy had told me to do. But I dragged it along and made Chasity think that I was still with Adrienne even after I had gotten her back into my arms like I wanted to. 

Thinking about it now, I don't even know why I did that. I guess....I guess I did it because I low-key enjoyed the situation. I had enjoyed making Chasity jealous because in some sick way it made me feel secure. It made me feel like maybe if she felt like another woman could come in and take me at any given moment, then maybe she wouldn't be so quick to up and leave me like she did years ago. It's no secret that I have abandonment issues and that I have an insecurity about people leaving me. But those are my own skeletons, and I had no right to play with Chasity's heart because of my own personal issues. I was wrong...I just hope that she will forgive me when all this shit hits the fan.

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