Chapter 27

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Sorry for the late upload guys! I had a small case of writer's block, but it's gone now and I'm back with a new Chapter for you guys. And also Love Triangle has over 6,000 reads! I'm so happy! Thank you guys for all of your support, it's much appreciated. Okay now here's Chapter 27, enjoy 😊

Chapter 27

Chasity's POV

The sun's rays shined through the window and into my eyes, forcing me to open them. I then let out a yawn and stretched like a cat, before I sat up in the bed and rested my back against the headboard.

I then suddenly heard soft snoring coming from beside me, and I looked over to see that Tyron was still fast asleep. I couldn't help but smile as I stared at his peaceful slumber, and I leaned over and softly pecked his forehead before running my fingers over his silk durag.

"Good morning" I whispered softly, not wanting to wake him. I know he's tired as hell.

Chassy's was so busy last night that Tyron stayed 4 hours past closing to help clean up and wash dishes. Ty is very hands on with his restaurant, and if something needs fixing instead of just barking out orders he does things himself. Also majority of the staff that he hired are College students who have to balance work and school, so with him having empathy because he was in their shoes at a point in his life, he'll step in to help them with things if needed.

I stared at him for a little while longer just admiring his chocolate face, before I reached over onto the nightstand and picked up my phone to check the time....6:30am. Time to get up and get ready for the day.

I tossed the covers from off of me and climbed out of the bed, and began walking out of the bedroom. I suddenly stopped in my tracks though when I walked by the full length mirror that was by the dresser, and took a step back to look at my reflection.

I chuckled softly "And good morning to you too Peanut" I cooed as I rubbed on my baby bump.

I felt a little flutter in response, making me grin from ear to ear.

I'm currently 17 weeks pregnant, and the doctor said that it's still kinda early for me to feel the baby kick. But I swear sometimes when me and Tyron talk to him or her, I feel these little flutters in my stomach. Almost like butterflies. My Professor said those flutters I feel is the baby kicking, but he or she is still too small for it to feel like an actual kick. It's still nice to feel though.

I smiled at my belly's reflection in the mirror "Today we have a long day ahead of us Peanut. Daddy had to work late last night and he's so sleepy, so we're going to take your big sister to school today, okay? Then we have to go to school. Don't worry though, it's only two classes. Thank God. Then we're meeting up with your Auntie Yandy and your Auntie Taylor so we can buy you some more stuff. And boss man is out of town this week, so we get to work from home while eating Ice Cream and watching Vampire Diaries. You like how that sounds?" I said softly, rubbing my belly in a circular motion as I spoke.

I felt more flutters, making me grin "It would be so much easier shopping for you if I knew your gender. We find out next month though and I'm excited. Daddy wants you to be a girl....not gonna lie I want you to be a boy. I don't know if I can handle dealing with a miniature version of myself for 18 years" I joked before laughing softly "But no matter what you are, I love you to're my everything Peanut. I hope you know that" I whispered softly.

I smiled at my reflection once more, before walking out of Tyron's room and making my way to the bathroom. I went to the sink and brushed my teeth and gargled with some mouthwash, before I hopped into the shower and washed my body down with my OGX Coconut Coffee body wash for 20 minutes, before exiting out of the tub.

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