Episode 3: Echoes

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"Who cares? Last one to the dining hall has laundry duty!" She says and Judy runs after her.

Me being the childish woman I am, look back at Will, John, and Maureen then run after the kids.

"Wait! I'm not touching any of your underwear!" Will calls from behind us as Penny cheers.


We continue to run and eventually Will catches up to us. John and Maureen following after.

We reach the dining hall to see that it is absolutely trashed and the song 'Space Cowboy' was left on to play with no audience.

"Wait, what?" Judy says as she enters the dining hall followed by Will and I.

"Mom! Dad!" Penny, who reached the dining hall first and is in the middle of the room, calls to her parents.

"Yeah? What is it?" John asks as him and Maureen enter the dining hall.

We look around the room and inspect the mess.

"Kids, lets go back to the Jupiter." I say.

"But we-" Will starts.

"It's not a discussion. Go." John interrupts.

The kids sigh and leave the hall. I decide to follow behind so that I know they're safe.

We continue to walk down the hall and back to our Jupiter when a computerized voice come through the radio announcing a fire on B-Deck and that the doors are closing.

"What deck are we on?" Judy asks.

"B-Deck" I respond as I walk in front of them.

"Judy! Aunt Y/n!" Penny calls as the doors close and separate Judy and I from Penny and Will.

Judy and I turn around and run back to the closed door and talk to Penny and Will through the window.

Judy checks if the door can be opened in vain.

"Hey, everybody okay?" Maureen asks through the radio. "Did you make it back to the Jupiter?"

"No. Not yet. The bulkhead is shut down." I answer.

"Here, too." Maureen says.

"Is there a fire?" Penny asks.

"If there is, it's already out. The fail-safes ensure containment." Maureen says.

"Anyone hurt?" Asks John.

"No, but we're separated." I answer. "Will and Penny are together and I'm with Judy."

"Okay." Maureen stresses. "Now, you're- you guys are just gonna have to make it back a different way."

"Use your maps. Find a way to circumvent the closures. Make your way to the decks above or below."

"Got it." I say.

Judy and I touch the glass of the window to say goodbye to Penny and Will and they do the same before we head our separate ways.


Judy and I continue to walk the halls using our maps. We stop for a moment and look at our maps again. Judy notices something and walks forward to take another look.

I look up to see her admire the Hall Of Heroes memorial, but one name catches her eye:

Grant Kelly

I walk to her and put a hand on her shoulder in an act of comfort.

Grant Kelly was her biological father who disappeared along with the space station Fortuna.

Judy smiles at me, but something else catches her eye. We turn around to see a little girl at the end of the hall.

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