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I'm about to say something controversial but...

I'm about to say something controversial but

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Mark didnt say "yes bitch"

He said: "yes man ch-ch"

"Ch-ch" kinda like the sound a gun makes when you cock it cus he was pretending the pillow was a gun.

Now I know all of you are gonna say I'm wrong but just hear me out

If Mark had cursed, everyone else's reaction (including himself) would've been "oMg He CuRseD on caMeRa wTf MarK coNtrOL yOur LanGuAge WhaT dO wE dO nOw dO wE tUrN ofF thE LiVe Or jUsT pReteNd iT DidNt HaPPeN!?!?!?!??"

But instead they all ignored him (besides telling him to chill his ass out) except youngjae who had just gotten assaulted with a pillow.

So I dunno, you can say I'm wrong, but I physically cannot hear the word bitch coming out of Mark's mouth in the video no matter how much I watch it lolol I think the way he spoke made it sound like bitch and ahgase are just suckers for when got7 slips up and say something wild but I'm like 85% sure he didn't curse.

fiTe me I dont cAre 😤

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