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Did I scroll all the way down just to find your sugar cookie recipe and first introduction? Yes, yes I did

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Did I scroll all the way down just to find your sugar cookie recipe and first introduction? Yes, yes I did. Do I have a life? Obviously not.

I also scrolled back to our first ever PM conversation and I totally forgot you sent only pick-up lines for a while loljzhshsdhshs

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I also scrolled back to our first ever PM conversation and I totally forgot you sent only pick-up lines for a while loljzhshsdhshs


I even put a crappy reminder on my calendar 😳🥺

Annnd this was supposed to be a surprise but yOu DiD iT fIrsT a fEw wEEks AgO aNd I wAnTeD tO bE tHe OnE tO rEmiNd YoU oF oUr FiRsT iNtErAcTiOn ;-;

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Annnd this was supposed to be a surprise but yOu DiD iT fIrsT a fEw wEEks AgO aNd I wAnTeD tO bE tHe OnE tO rEmiNd YoU oF oUr FiRsT iNtErAcTiOn ;-;

FxckingAngelic You're always one step ahead I don't like this-

Anyway, I only remember it's been a year with you due to your unforgettable introduction, and I thought you'd only be someone I would recognize the username of but not really interact with. Yet here we are now with matching profiles, married, kids, shared mortgage- 😢

I actually did remember your user from before it was like hibiscus-something and I only remembered that because I snooped your account before we actually "met" and thought you were like an S-Tier class person compared to me (which you are but back then it was more intimidating hshshs) so i was scared of you ;-;

I've been saving this chapter dedicated to you for SO LONG like, moNtHs; do you know how awful it is to wait so long to worship you ugh-

I had to wait until today though, (which i guess is April 10th for you??)

Eh idk, time zones and stuff, but happy 1 year your Majesty, my king :')

I l-...

I lov-...

I love u sm 🥺💖💕

my one and only angel uwu <3

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