CH. 06: 3R's Story/Reunion

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AFTER 8S RECEIVED A CHASSIS CHECKUP AT THE BUNKER AND PERFORMED A DATA OVERHAUL, IT WAS DECIDED THAT HE WOULD RETURN TO THE FIELD. Until then, 3R would be deployed on a solo research mission. 3R visited Pascal's village by herself and collected information on Machines that appeared on Earth. Pascal was cooperative yet again, even offering information about Machines in other areas. Of course, it was information that Pascal, who was disconnected from the Machine network, knew. It was nothing revolutionary, mostly information that would, at its best, serve as references. However, there was some information that would have piqued 8S's interest, like the fact that there were Machines that mimicked humans and established religions. While carrying out the research, 3R started to have a small change of heart. She was no longer able to see Machines as "just clumps of metal." There were Adam and Eve, who mimicked the appearance of humans and spoke fluently. There were Pascal and his villagers, who looked like other Machines but desired to live peacefully. They were all clearly capable of thinking, of experiencing emotions, and of acting according to their own wills. What was the difference between them and androids like herself? There was footage and documentation regarding so-called "robots" in the human civilization database. It was said that ancient humans once manufactured robots, which were similar to Machines, and employed their services. Robots had existed before there was the technology to create androids. "Can't we say that Machines and androids are kindred?" Adam's words and laughter stuck in her head. She brushed them off and started walking. She was going to return to the resistance camp, get replenished and have a checkup, and after that visit Pascal's village once more... As she was planning her course of action, a transmission interrupted her thoughts. "This" She could hear a patchy transmission amidst the horrible static. She wasn't sure, but it sounded like Anemone's voice. "Report: Signal interference detected." 3R stopped walking and directed her full attention to the transmission. The quality was so poor that this was necessary to pick out the words. " you can see...reception...request. Please." The transmission abruptly died. Was it an EMP attack? Either way, the resistance camp was almost certainly in trouble. "Let's hurry," said 3R. Fortunately, the resistance camp was not far. But before long she was stalled. There was a

massive outbreak of Machines at various places within the city ruins. Besides the walking types that were a common occurrence in this vicinity, there were flying types of various sizes. There was also a steady stream of medium-sized Machines pouring in from the sky. "Why are there so many?" Pod replied that the cause was unknown. There was the transmission from the resistance camp as well—something was wrong. "Pod, call the Bunker using laser transmission." "Roger that." Something was happening. Something unusual. 3R swallowed her desire to rush toward the resistance camp, and focused on destroying the Machines before her. The number of Machines was truly extraordinary. It took a significant amount of time to exterminate all of them. When the resistance camp finally came into sight, she could see flames rising out of it. The shrill clanging of Machines, screams, and black smoke were all emanating from the resistance camp. It was an ambush by the Machines. "This is...?!" 3R came to a standstill at the entrance. At first glance, it looked like the androids were being pinned down by the Machines. But that was not all. The Machines were eating the androids. There were half-devoured android corpses lying around. Some did not even resemble their original forms. Until now, they had been attacked but never eaten. The Machines didn't eat. That's what she had thought... No, there was no time to be shocked. She kicked down the Machines that were eating and crushed them with her military sword. After she had reduced the few Machines in the square to metal scraps, she headed farther into the camp. There might be victims that hadn't escaped yet. "3R!" There Anemone was. She was near the research material depository, in the process of helping her comrades escape. "What is this?" asked 3R. Before she acted, she wanted to hear about the situation. But Anemone shook her head and replied, "I don't know." "They suddenly poured into the camp and...We tried to fight them, but our guns are ineffective." Right as 3R started to wonder why, Pod finished its analysis. It detected that the enemy was using energy shields. No wonder firearms were ineffective. "Recommendation: Close-quarters combat." "Okay." She couldn't use long-range attacks here anyway. While it might have been fine to fire the guns used by the resistance, Pod's firing mode would be too powerful and even dangerous inside the camp. "Anemone. Help the other androids escape." Close-quarters combat was the responsibility of a Type B. As 3R pulled out her sword, she heard Anemone say, "I'll leave it to you," behind her back.

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