CH. 04: 3R's Story/Alienation

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"TO BUNKER, THIS IS 8S REPORTING. PLEASE CONNECT ME TO THE COMMANDER LANCELOT." "Roger. Connecting to the commander." "Commander. We failed to destroy A3." The commander's warning that A3 had slaughtered multiple pursuers was warranted. While A3 was an obsolete model, she was still a formidable opponent. 3R shuddered at the thought of what could have happened if they had fought any longer. Their battle was cut short when A3 escaped. They tried to chase her after she jumped from the window, but whatever route she took, they couldn't keep up. "I'm glad both of you are safe. That was an extremely dangerous individual. Do not approach that deserter carelessly," said the commander. "Umm," muttered 8S hesitantly. "Desertion...from what?" 3R had the same question as 8S. Desertion in itself was a serious matter, and a fellow No. 2 was responsible. She couldn't help being curious about the past actions of an android that was identical to her. And A3 had said something strange as she left. That Command had betrayed them. What did she mean by that? "That is confidential information. I can't tell you," said the commander. Confidential. 3R didn't like the word. Nothing good ever came when that word was involved. Of course, it was necessary for organizations to have secrets. But for her personally, it always led to unpleasant things... "3R." She was brought back to reality by 8S. She hadn't realized that the transmission with the commander had ended. "Let's ask Pascal about A3. He might know something," said 8S. 3R agreed that this was of high probability. Pascal had told them about the forest kingdom. A3 might have appeared in the forest before. If so, it was unlikely that Pascal had overlooked the presence of such a dangerous android. Last time, they had gone to investigate Pascal's village on Command's orders. They had been assigned to gather data for valuable research materials. But this time was different. What she and 8S were about to do was not for a mission. On the contrary, they were contacting an enemy of their own volition. She wondered whether they should stop. Even so, there had recently been a lot of unfortunate events. There had been news about deserters just the other day. A few days previous, there had been a directive from Command to capture thieves that were operating in the resistance camp. But that was only a facade. 3R had been given a confidential and different set of instructions: to hunt and execute deserters 8B, 23R, and 64B. The instructions were to kill, not capture. The clueless 8S liberally made use of his navigational abilities as a scanner type to find the

androids. They informed the women that they were to be brought in. As expected, the trio attacked. Once deserters were remanded to custody, only death awaited—the women had no choice but to fight their captors and run. 3R destroyed them. They had initiated the attack, so she pretended that destroying them was the only natural thing to do. It was a good excuse. But 8S had keenly noticed that something was wrong. After they returned to the resistance camp, he had asked Anemone for details of the thefts. Of course, Anemone had no recollection of such incidents. There had been no theft crimes to begin with. 8S called Operator 21O and asked for details about the theft crimes. However... "That incident is confidential. I can't find out for you," said the operator. Standing by his side, 3R could tell this was going south, but all she could do was keep her arms folded and observe. "8S, be careful," said the operator. 21O did not know that 8B and his accomplices were deserters, or that the incident was feigned. But she probably sensed something was off as well. That's why she warned 8S to be careful. That sincere warning must have provoked the growing suspicion that 8S had of Command. "3R?" asked 8S. "Never mind. All right, let's go," said 3R. In the end, 3R did not stop 8S. At this point, even had she tried to turn back from visiting Pascal, 8S would not have given up. That was a defining quality of the scanner type. 8S would probably visit Pascal on his own. That was unacceptable. "Pascal. This is 8S." 3R listened with mixed feelings as 8S told Pascal that they had questions for him.


Nonetheless, they were unable to get significant information from Pascal. Wary of a transmission being monitored, they made a direct visit. "This android named A3—I have past records of her, but she has never come to this village." Pascal added that she was indeed a dangerous android. 3R was reminded of the fact that A3 had killed a helpless Machine too young to walk. 3R and 9S had seen not a moment of hesitation from her. And she was strong. She fought on par with, if not beyond, the level of the newest models. From the Machines' point of view, she must be a terrifying android. "I'm sorry. That's all I know," said Pascal. She could clearly see the disappointment on 9S's profile as he said, "I see." 9S walked dejectedly through the shortcut to the city ruins. At times, he looked like he was thinking. He was probably considering the next step. That was dangerous. 3R stopped him by calling out his name. "Why did you ask Pascal for information about A3?" asked 3R. She sounded like she was interrogating him. She now regretted not stopping him, and letting him get involved in such a perilous matter. "Command does not recommend contacting a Machine without permission," said 3R. Even if it were out of pure curiosity, Command could see it as a problem. Furthermore, this time his actions were based on suspicion, and not curiosity. If Command were to find out... "I'm sorry." 9S's crestfallen behavior flustered 3R. Had she been too stern? She confronted him, even though scanner types were specialized for investigation and it was something they couldn't help doing. 3R quickly added a "But..." "I admire your passion for knowledge," said 3R. Even if that curiosity was a double-edged sword. "Thanks, 3R." 9S's lips hinted at a smile. He was full of curiosity, frank, and bright... A comrade that was like the gleaming rays of the sun. That's why, she wished. Don't get it wrong. You're only allowed to use that curiosity on the enemy. Never anyone else. Don't even think about suspecting a comrade...or Command. "Let's go back to the resistance camp. We need to get a checkup and replenish our chassis," she said. It might be in vain. The same thing might happen. Still. Because I promised you, thought 3R 

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