CH. 02: 3R's Story/Sympathy

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"WE HAVE LOST COMMUNICATION WITH A FEW TROOPERS FROM THE JEAGER SQUADRON THAT WERE HEADING TO EARTH. They are most likely still alive, as their black-box responses are still active. We have narrowed down the location of their signals. Any JeaGer squadron troopers stationed on Earth are to investigate the issue." It was a short and bizarre announcement. It was not rare for JeaGer squadron troopers to go incommunicado. Once they were on Earth, they could at any moment engage in battle with Machines and at times be surrounded by enemies. It was bizarre however, that their black-box responses were still active. After the black-box response disappears, it is formally recognized that the android is destroyed. The backup of the android's personal data is then uploaded into a new chassis. Although the memories leading from the last backup to the android's destruction are lost, previous memories and its personality are preserved. In this respect, androids are semi-immortal. As long as their personal data is intact and chassis are in stock they can be repeatedly reconstructed. But reconstruction cannot be initiated without confirming the destruction of the android. This is to prevent the confusion of having more than one instance of its personal data. In other words, no matter how severe the circumstances, as long as the black-box response is still active, there is no other choice but to let the situation play out. The self-destruct mechanism that the JeaGer squadron androids are equipped with is mainly for preventing leaks of confidential information, but it is also a last resort for the troopers to escape the battlefield. If their chassis is destroyed in the explosion, they are able to start anew in the Bunker. "Didn't we hear some similar news at the resistance camp too?" asked 8S. 3R added, "That recently there've been many resistance troops who've lost contact..." Because troops of the resistance were not outfitted with a black box, it was unknown whether or not they were still alive. But they all lost contact near the same area, the very same area that the missing troops' black-box responses were detected. "I don't want to burden you two any further after your help with the desert case, but I'd like you to keep it in the back of your mind." 3R remembered the words of the resistance camp's female leader, Anemone. Just hearing her tone of voice was enough to know how concerned she was about her comrades. The resistance on Earth had been of long standing. It was said that they were sent to exterminate Machines even before research on the JeaGer android began. It was unclear when Anemone was sent to the front lines, but it was at least before the first JeaGer attack. That was what 3R deduced from the conversation of the camp troops. Anemone had suffered the continual loss of her comrades for that long. 3R could occasionally feel the strong gaze of Anemone. Her face probably reminded Anemone of a comrade she had lost in the past. The first time they met, Anemone was clearly caught off guard. Even though Anemone tried to play it off, the shock was obvious in her voice and expression.

Anemone projecting her memories of loss onto 3R was not particularly bothersome, so 3R purposefully pretended not to notice. People tend to search for more similarities between two entities as soon as they notice a few. Even if they know it's futile, they search for traces. That is what it's like for people who have lost someone dear. "The situation the other androids are facing is a bit concerning, isn't it?" asked 8S. Was she a culprit as well? Was she trying to compare? Was she trying to search? "I have a feeling we should get going soon," said 8S. "You're right," 3R said, and began to research their next destination. 


The black-box responses of the JeaGer squadron troops who had ceased communication were not far from the city ruins. But due to the collapsed buildings and deformed terrain that obstructed their path, they were forced to take an alternate route through the underground waterway. Even though the distance traveled was short, the expedition took time because of the detour. "This is...? Is it an amusement park?" asked 8S. They had been underground until the very last moment, and had not realized what kind of place their destination was until they were standing in the middle of it. 8S was bewildered by the peculiarly shaped structures that appeared as soon as they surfaced, and understandably so. The structures were a far cry from the city ruins or the desert complex. On top of that they kept hearing strange sounds. "Explosions?" asked 3R. It didn't seem like they were all that powerful, but 3R still set her hand on her sword. "No, not explosions, but probably... Umm," 8S rested his fingers on his temples. He seemed to be trying to remember something. "Fireworks. See, over there," said 8S, who pointed toward the sky. Sparks of light spread across the sky. They were similar to the shape of a flower. "It apparently makes use of chemical reactions. They combust many types of metals in the sky to create a variety of colors. A staple of many celebrations in human culture. That's what I think it said." But there were no humans on Earth at the moment. So who was celebrating? Of course, the answer was obvious. The amusement park was described as a place where adults brought their children to play, or possibly a place an adult could rediscover their inner child and play. Either way, it was supposed to be built for humans. It was not a novelty for Machines to invade the human facilities and use them to their liking. The factory ruins where they had annihilated the Goliath-class Machines had been used by the Machines as a manufacturing facility. It was understandable to repurpose a factory for increasing military force, but why the Machines needed an amusement park was beyond comprehension. The Machines in the area were either dancing or repeating words like "1t's s0 fun! 1t's s0 fun!" and "Let's be happy t0gether!" Mimicking humans by shooting fireworks, throwing confetti, playing musical instruments, and dancing—it was absurd. There was nothing to gain. Furthermore, the Machines partaking in the

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