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I wanted to chase after big brother, but I stayed put. Because I promised I would stay here. I made a decision to never break promises with big brother. Big brother went to our playground. It was the city we always played human in. It wasn't fair that he went alone. I wanted to play too. I wanted to break the androids with big brother. Big brother suddenly disappeared. Even when I tried to use the network, I couldn't reach him. I lost the feeling that we were connected. What happened? I wanted to go meet big brother right away. But I couldn't. I made a promise to stay here. Big brother didn't come back for one hour. For two hours. Did something happen? Was he having trouble beating the androids? Should I go help big brother? I should have just killed them back then. But big brother kept our promise and cut the battle short. We just needed a little more time to beat them, but it was the promised time. After that, we played human here. Is big brother regretting that we didn't finish them off? If I count to one hundred, big brother will come back. If I count to two hundred, big brother will come back. If I count to three hundred... But even after I counted to nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine, big brother didn't come back. I waited and waited but big brother didn't come back. I finally broke our promise. It meant I wouldn't be praised for being a good boy, but I flew to the playground anyway. Let's end this quickly. I'll help too. Let's kill the androids. But the androids weren't there. Even the one we'd left as bait. It was only big brother. He was lying on the floor. He didn't answer when I called. He didn't respond when I shook him. I needed to regenerate him quick, I thought—but I couldn't. Big brother was dead. The androids had killed big brother.
At first I didn't know what was going on. I mean, I never imagined that big brother would be gone. He has been here since I was born. He was always, always with me. Big brother will never move again. We'll never be able to play. I finally understood what it meant for big brother to have died. When I did, I was surprised at how much I cried. The back of my throat trembled and I couldn't stop myself from sobbing. The area around my chest tightened painfully. It hurt so much that I rolled around on the floor. It still hurt, so I banged my head on the table. Then my head started to hurt and I felt dizzy. I hit my head even more. I needed to, or else my thoughts would be all jumbled.Why did you have to die?Even though big brother was born alone, we were together right away, and he had me until he died. I had him when I was born, but now I'm alone, and I'll be alone until I die... I knew. I knew that big brother had bigger interests than me. That big brother didn't like me as much as I liked him. I knew because I've always only looked at big brother. But I still wanted to be together. As long as big brother was there, I was happy.For me big brother is the only... If only big brother were here.Hey big brother. I don't hate fighting. But I hate it when big brother is hurt. I hate it even more when big brother is gone. So let's go somewhere peaceful together...A w0rld w1th0ut b1g br0ther can just d1e.

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