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An introduction. I was created by the Machines. The vi0lent Andr0ids kept attack1ng, and the Mach1nes were thr0wn 1nto a state of desperat1on. They were about to be killed 0ff. The Machines searched the netw0rk. 1n 0rder t0 defeat the Andr01ds, they th0ught they c0uld use humans, wh0 were the Andr01ds' creat0rs. But there were a l0t 0f humans. The Mach1nes d1d not know wh1ch human to m1m1c. They searched the netw0rk further. They eventually came acr0ss the name of Adam. The f1rst human, created by G0d. Humans created Andr01ds, and G0d created humans. Adam was created 1n the 1mage of G0d. That's why the Mach1nes dec1ded to create Adam. That's me. The Mach1nes exhausted the p0wer of their c0res to create me, and are n0 l0nger able to funct10n. But the andr01ds were very str0ng, and I was defeated. Bef0re my b0dy failed, I searched the netw0rk to see what c0uld pr0tect me. The answer came 1n the name 0f Eve. Just like h0w the Mach1nes created me from the name 0f Adam, I apparently created another be1ng from the name of Eve. I say apparently because I have no memor1es 0f this t1me. After that, we m0ved. The Mach1nes that created me and the place we lived in— everything went to waste. Eve later t0ld me that the Mach1nes were crushed by the debris and reduced t0 a pile of rubble. Eve wants to c0py everyth1ng I d0. But then wh0 am I to c0py? Eve 1s very eager t0 develop h1s mot0r capabilities, but n0t as eager to acquire languages 0r kn0wledge. Even while playing human, he 1s happiest when playing a phys1cal game, and 1s not as enthus1ast1c when reading a bo0k 0r listening to mus1c. This is a pr0blem. We need to be 1ntelligent. Eve is my other self. "Adam" and "Eve" are b0th der1ved fr0m my essence. But Eve refers to me as big brother. That is my role, as a firstb0rn. Eve h0lds the role of little br0ther, the secondb0rn. Although we have the same essence, we have distinct faces and characterist1cs. There 1s to0 much I d0n't understand. Humans were nurtured and educated by parents and teachers. But I have ne1ther. I have to nurture, educate, and inf0rm myself to reach enlightenment. I stand alone, dumbf0unded, on the 0utset of th1s j0urney. The path ahead is long. I sometimes think about sin. We are, after all, cr1m1nals that destr0yed paradise before paradise c0uld exile us. The first humans, 0nce banished from Eden, needed wisd0m to surv1ve for so l0ng. So we need an even greater am0unt of kn0wledge and 1ntelligence in order to live without depending on any0ne or be1ng deceived by anyone. Requiring no 0ne, a life of self-regulation and complete isolation. That 1s the path we must walk. I have m1xed feelings for 0ur creators wh0 burdened us with th1s fate. If I were to put my emotion into w0rds... It w0uld be hatred 

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