Part 1

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Do I really need to catch you somewhere doing the worse thing possible with her to be able to proof that your heart and body weren't mine anymore?

Does those regular glances you threw to her way even though you were with me not enough to proof that your focus were not on me anymore?

How do I take this feeling of being left out whenever we met her and your eyes only have her reflection?

What am I supposed to do when everytime I glanced at your phone and always saw her name occupying the recent calls and texts when it was supposed to be me?

Do you think that I can still claim that I'm your trusted person when I couldn't even understand those secret talks you shared with her?

Can I still really say that I'm your most important person when everytime we talk, her name would always leave your mouth?

Your actions, your words and even your thoughts, I believed, are all about her already.

And when I saw all of that in you, I know, Jungkook.

I know.

I know that I have to back off.

I know that I'm not needed anymore.

I know that I'm not number one anymore.

I'm not dumb.

And we're not young and immature kids like we were ten years ago when we shared our first kiss.

It's true that we had grew together, be the closest to each other, depend on one another.

But then you grew apart, and changed.

And now when people ask me about you, I couldn't even say if I knew you at all.

However, I want you to know, that you are still the one who knows me best, Jungkook.

You understand me more than I understand myself.

Therefore you'll know immediately why I have come to this conclusion.

You'll be aware that as you continuously act like you do today, I'll come to this decision.

And just as much as you know me, you'll also know that I'm leaving this life with you.

I'm leaving you.

I couldn't say that I'll be gone from your sight hundrent percent since it wasn't possible as we were bounded in the same parameter after all.

But I hope that you'll turn your heel and walk away from me if you see me, because I was going to do the same when I see you

I hope that we'll never meet eyes again, because you know I'm going to cry if we do so.

This is my goodbye, Jungkook.

I wish for your happiness, believing that you'll be able to so, without having to have me by your side.

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