Text Me in the Morning

707 31 8

saw their number graffitied in a bathroom stall au

Unknown Number: hey

Me: um hello?

This is so weird, I literally have everyone's contacts on my phone. How did an unknown number magically pop in here?

Unknown Number: hi

Me: who are you and how'd you get my number?

Unknown Number: wouldn't you like to know? 😉

Me: well, I'm pretty sure I don't just give my numbers out to anyone. especially strangers

Unknown Number: it was graffitied in a bathroom stall
Unknown Number: in the bar

Me: what the hell

I immediately thought of the last time I went to the bar and who I was with, bringing me back to Friday night at the La Vie bar.

Me: ugh hailee

Unknown Number: who's hailee?

Me: probably the one who wrote my number in that damn stall

Unknown Number: tell hailee graffiti is bad, but I'll let it slide this time coz I got your number 😉

Me: dude, I don't even know who you are. for all I know, you're some old creepy murderer
Me: but I will assume you're a girl
Me: unless you're a guy who went in the girls restroom, or hailee went in the guys' restroom

Unknown Number: ding ding ding
Unknown Number: it's Camila btw

Me: thank God
Me: I'm Y/N

Unknown Number: and I'm 23. just turned 23 actually 😋
Unknown Number: so you don't have to worry about me being an old creepy murderer
Unknown Number: and I'm awkward, to say the least

I chuckled at the texts, and decided to change her contact name. "Unknown Numbers" are quite unsettling for me, as well as unread messages and notifications. I find them really annoying.

Me: I'm 22
Me: *cue taylor swift's 22*

Camila 🍻: omg I didn't expect you to be a dork 😂

Me: ooh, expectations now, huh? why, what'd you expect me to be?

Camila 🍻: yknow you seemed so serious when I first texted you, I thought you were mean

Me: that's most people's first impression of me — mean

Camila 🍻: well, are you?

Me: that's for you to find out 😉

Camila 🍻: I'd probably still find you hot nevertheless 😉😉😉

Woah?? I don't even know this woman, nor does she know me. Or does she?

Camila 🍻: do you drink?

Me: you'd probs won't believe me, but I don't

Camila 🍻: shut up

Me: called it

Camila 🍻: not even once?

Me: nah bruh
Me: do you?

Camila/You ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz