My Daughter's Teacher

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Prompt: Y/N's daughter, Isabella, has been consistently a good student and one of the teacher's favorites. That is, up until recently. Every time, Isabella shared about her mom in school, she'd notice the certain adoration in her teacher's eyes. So, she finds a way to bring her mother and teacher together.

Third person POV
Isabella's grades and performance were getting unusual. Plus, she fought one of her classmates which was super unlikely of her. That's why her teacher, Camila, called her mother.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I'm late. I, uh, came from work," Y/N stutters, bursting through the door. She sees a brunette teacher sitting on her desk, the classroom empty. She continues, "I walked here as soon as I possibly could."

"It's okay," the teacher smiles. "Have a seat, Mrs. Y/LN."

"It's miss, actually," Y/N pauses to read the desk name plate, "Ms. Cabello."

Camila blushes and mutters a soft "oh." She suddenly felt a glimmer of hope, but better than that, her respect for the single mother grew stronger.

"But, please, just call me Y/N. I don't want to sound too formal or anything," she giggled.

"Camila," the brunette teacher smiled, reaching her hand out which was met by Y/N's. They both felt a weird, electric spark and withdrew their hands quickly from shock. They chuckled and apologized softly.

"So, um, Y/N," Camila started, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to pry but has Isabella been having problems at home? With friends maybe?"

Y/N thought over and mutters, "No... Not at all? Why, what has she been doing here?"

"She got into a fight with one of her classmates."

"What?!" Y/N exclaims.

"That was today, nothing really big, but still quite unusual. She's also been a little distracted so I assumed maybe, yknow." Camila was nervous. She didn't want to pry on other people's privacy, but she was worried.

"I'm really sorry, Camila. I'll make sure to talk to her," Y/N trailed on, "Bella never throws a fit at home, I'm surprised that she would actually do it here..."

Camila rested her hand on Y/N's and rubbed it gently. She could feel the single mother's struggles as her own mother had to raise her and her little sister on her own. Y/N sighed, still confused about her daughter's actions.

"If you want, I can offer to tutor Isabella after school," Camila started. It seemed like a long stretch. The teacher admired the mother, but was concerned for the daughter as well.

"Camila, I can't afford to pay you—"

"Y/N, it's fine," she smiled softly. Their talk was cut off by a thunder echoing through the room. It was gloomy earlier then, but the rain was crashing down now. Raindrops were aggressively pattering on the windows as they stared out.

"Crap," Y/N said.

"Is there a problem?" Camila asked, immediately retracting her hand in embarrassment and fear.

"I just walked here. My car's being fixed right now, and I just- ugh, I can't-"

"Hey, hey," Camila reassured again, "I can drive you home, if you want?"

Y/N's head was aching. She was stressed to the core, not having had enough rest the previous evening due to work. Now, Isabella's misdemeanor was confusing her, as well as the brunette in front of her. She didn't know what she felt for the teacher. Admiration? A tiny crush maybe?

"Y/N?" Camila called, worry evidently laced in her voice.

"Yeah," Y/N replies weakly, refusing to look at the brunette. She nodded and gave a small smile to the woman in front of her.

Camila blushed and offered her a bottle of water, in hopes of calming the mother down. They walked out of the room after switching off all the lights, Camila leading Y/N to her car.

The drive was quite long with all the traffic and rain. Everybody was rushing now too, afraid of getting soaked under the storm.

To pass the time, both women talked about their lives. Camila expressed her respect to the single mother, making Y/N blush at the compliments, "You did a great job raising Isabella, Y/NN."

Now, they were on to the topic of partners.

"How do you not have a boyfriend?" Y/N asked in a shocked manner. I mean, who could blame her? Camila was a beautiful woman with a very likeable personality — charming, funny and thoughtful. Intelligent too, she's a teacher for Pete's sake.

"Maybe because I don't want a boyfriend," answers Camila, wiggling her eyebrows teasingly. They both laughed while Y/N nodded.

"How about you? Why Miss?" Camila asks. Y/N had wished she didn't have to answer this question. She was often asked this, and most of the time people would feel pity towards the single mom. She didn't want their conversation to turn awkward.

Y/N answers nevertheless, "Bella's dad left when I told him about the pregnancy, and I don't know. We've never had contact since. He's made it clear that he doesn't wanna be involved so."

Camila listened intently. She was hesitant to ask, but the woman seemed comfortable anyway.

"Why didn't you try dating again?"

Because I just met you now, Y/N thought. She blushes at her own idea and looks out the window.

"I guess I just didn't have the time to date, what with raising Bella alone and working hard. Slipped my mind, maybe."

They fell into a comfortable silence, soft music playing on the radio. Every so often during stops, Camila would turn to admire Y/N as she looked out the window. She looked so beautiful and quiet. Camila couldn't see the bags under the woman's eyes in the dark, but the single mother's beauty shone through.

Y/N gave directions to her house in the last few minutes of their drive. Camila was quiet, seeming nervous as she carefully navigated through the streets.

"This is it," Y/N says when Camila stopped the car. She turned to the teacher and smiled, "Thank you so much, Camila."

The brunette gathered up the courage and turned towards the other woman. Camila opened and closed her mouth, going back and forth on what to say.

"Cam?" Y/N asks, putting a hand on Camila's arm. She raised her brows questioningly at the teacher.

"Do you wanna go out with me? Tomorrow?"

Y/N's lips curved into a smile as heat rose up to her cheeks. She's never heard those words said to her in 5 years, and now a beautiful brunette was asking her out.

"I would love to."

Camila smiles at the response and blushes profusely as she looks down on her lap. Y/N leans across the console and kisses her cheek. Bold move, Y/LN.

"Good night, Camila," she smiles before opening the passenger door. The woman runs to her porch, looking back at Camila and waves goodbye.

As soon as she was sure Y/N was inside, Camila dances shamelessly in her seat, feeling victorious at her successful attempt. All the while, the single mother's smile reached from ear to ear as she leaned her back on the door.

"Mommy? Why are you smiling?" Bella asks, staring at her mother confusingly.

"Isabella Victoria, we need to talk. But you got me a date, so we'll talk about it tomorrow. Come and give mommy a hug," Y/N smiles, opening her arms before receiving her 5-year old daughter.

"Am I getting a new Mama?" The girl asks excitedly.

"We'll see, baby. We'll see." Hopefully, she thought.

// been a sucker for family prompts recently so there ya go. I highly appreciate your votes, they give me motivation sksksk.

Again, if Soccer Captain gets 100 votes, I'll work on it to make it into a book. Thanks for reading, have a great day!

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