Ice Cream

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Your POV

I was walking through the park after my daily morning routine - jogging. I decided to go get some ice cream since I was starting to get hungry. On my way there, I saw a little girl crying in front of the ice cream truck. Being the kind person I am, I decided to talk to her so that she'd calm down.

"Hey little girl, what's wrong?" I asked crouching down to her level

"I-I don't h-have enou-gh money t-to buy ice cream. A-and I don't know where my older s-sister is." She hiccupped between her words

"Here, I'll buy it for you. What flavor do you want?"

"S-strawberry." She answered, wiping her tears

I turned to the vendor, seeing her smiling at our interaction. I ordered our ice creams and payed for them. I gave the little girl her ice cream when I realized I didn't get her name yet.

"What's your name, sweet cheeks?" I questioned

"Sofi. How about you?" She replied before licking her ice cream again

"My name's Y/N. Let's go look for your older sister, okay?"

"Okay!" She answered cheerfully

"Where'd you last see her?" I asked, holding her hand as we walked through the park

"She the playground. But I didn't see her there when I came looking for her."

"We'll check there first, okay. Now, just stay with me and hold my hand."

We walked to the playground, as we ate our ice creams. Sure enough, there was a girl my age, looking around the park.

"Hey Sofi. Is that your sister?" I asked the younger girl

She looked up and nodded, smiling at me. I let go of her hand, as she ran towards the girl.

"KAKIIII!!!!" Sofi shouted

"Sofi? Sofi!" Her older sister hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead.

I went nearer and smiled at the sisters's interaction. They pulled away and Sofi faced me.

"Kaki, this is Y/N. She bought me this ice cream and helped me look for you! Y/N, this is my older sister, Camila." Sofi introduced

The brunette looked at me as I stared at her in awe. Beautiful brown locks cascading down her sides, white crop top and skinny jeans. Her was angelic.

"Hey. Umm, th-thanks for helping my sister." She started

"Oh, uh, it's no problem really. I had fun talking to Sofi." I replied

"Umm, maybe we could hang out sometime? I mean, it's okay if you don't want to, I just-" She rambled

"Sure, Camila. Just umm, hand me your phone and I'll enter my number in." I chuckled

The girl handed me her phone as I handed her mine. We exchanged numbers and returned each other's phones.

"I should get going now. I still have to shower and all that." I laughed

"Oh. Yeah, okay. I'll text you then. See you around, I guess." She smiled and kissed my cheek

I blushed and bid my goodbyes to Sofi. I jogged to my apartment and took a shower, thinking about the older brunette.

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