Chapter 27 - Myndarlegur djöfull sem freistar mín með sjálfsfróun

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"I'm ready." He said breathily, he reached beside him and opened the condom packet and slid it down my length.
I kissed and nibbled at his neck as I pushed against him, I could feel myself slide in, his fingers digging deeper into my back with each inch.
I lifted his leg onto my shoulder,  he moaned deeply as I entered him completely. His hands grabbed onto my ass and pulled me even though I couldn't have pushed any further inside. Our tender lips caressed each other as I thrust against him. My hands grabbed at the headboard, using it to pull myself forward. His hand moved down, as  I pushed in and out his fingers began to work their way inside me, I grunted with pleasure. Every motion I intended to make to give him pleasure was further pleasuring me.
His fingers pushed deep inside, pressing against my prostate. I groaned as I came, I held myself up using the headboard, panting as I tried to steady my legs that had weakened.
I looked into Coach's eyes and could see the flame of passion still burning.
I grabbed his legs, both now over my shoulders. I continued massaging his G-spot as I moved in and out, his hand stroking the full length of his erection. After a few more thrusts his body twitched as a thick rope of seed landed on his glistening chest.

I rolled over and we laid together, panting.
"We're going to have to shower again now." Coach laughed.
I turned to meet his deep, brown eyes and smiled.
"It was worth it." I shrugged.

After the feeling had returned to our legs we made our way into the bathroom ready to clean ourselves again. I stood back and admired Coach rubbing the shower gel into his skin. He truly was a work of art.
He noticed I wasn't scrubbing myself and turned to pull me in against him. He held me so my back was tight against his chest. His hand ran down my body which twitched, sensitive after the rush it had just experienced.

His hand grabbed my now flaccid penis firmly as he kissed the back of my neck.
"Think I could get you hard again?"
"I know you could!" I turned my head and kissed him on the lips, already feeling the blood rushing back. I escaped his grasp, too tired to make another go of it right now.
"I'm hungry, we haven't eaten in hours." My stomach suddenly felt like an empty pit.
"Do you want something from the restaurant? I can get you it." Coach offered gently.
"Nah, I just want to lay in bed with you. Let's order room service."
"Awww you want to lay in bed with me? That's so cute." He puckered his lips and made kissy noises as he ruffled my wet hair.
I slapped his hand away and walked out of the bathroom. I towelled off and slid under the crisp white sheets, my eyes focused on the bathroom door waiting for Coach to walk out. I couldn't help but smile when he did.
"What? What are you grinning at?" He looked himself up and down.
"Nothing. You're just...very...attractive." I cringed internally at what had just crept out of my mouth.
He laughed as he ran and jumped on the bed landing on top of me.
"I'm very attractive huh? Which bits?"
"This." I said as I traced my finger along his jaw, my thumb caressing his bottom lip. My finger moved down as it stroked his Adam's apple. I swirled my finger over his nipple and grasped his peck firmly. "This."
He laughed as my finger continued to carve out my favourite bits of his body.
My hand grabbed at his dick as I sat up.
"This?" He questioned.
I shrugged. "It'll do." My lips once again found themselves being drawn magnetically to his, I sucked gently on his bottom lip as I pulled away.

He sighed.
"What about this?" He grabbed my hand and placed it on his chest. I could feel his heart beating firmly against my palm.
"I...I." I stammered, there was no way I could have answered that and come out on top. I'd either look heartless or soppy.
As if he could sense my discomfort he leapt to his feet and pulled on some extremely tight boxer shorts. He rearranged his bulge and I felt myself twitch, how could he be this hot?!
He walked over to the phone and placed an order for us.
"It'll be about half an hour, is that ok." He asked while covering the receiver, I nodded.
"Yeah that's fine, thank you." He hung up and I wondered where this soft, gentleman had been hiding the whole time.

He climbed onto the bed and slid under the covers, he laid on his back and pushed his arm under me. I rolled over so I was facing him, even his side profile was perfect. He turned and faced me.
"Have you thought about what you want to do tomorrow?"
"Not really." I hadn't exactly had time to think about anything other than what was happening in those moments.
"Ok." He looked like he was deep in thought, trying to plan the perfect day.
"As long as I'm with you it's fine." I smiled, already regretting what I'd said as his face lit up, I was bracing myself for his trademark sarcasm.
"You were really worried today huh?"
"Worried? About what?" I prayed my feigned ignorance would tell him to leave the subject alone. It didn't.
"When you thought I'd fallen off of the Stone Bridge?"
"Of course I was worried! I would have been if it had been a stranger that fell! But yes, of course I was worried! I asked you not to go but you did and I thought I'd lost you. You should have listened to me!" The words just kept coming, as if he'd released the floodgates. I felt I had lost all control and was watching me spiral just as Coach was.
"Wouldn't  you be upset if someone you lo.." Coach's eyes widened and I'm sure my heart stopped.
"Someone you cared about had fallen to their death!" My eyes now welled with tears as the image of him disappearing from view played over in my head.
Coach just pulled me in close, my tears staining his tanned chest.
"I didn't realise you cared that much."
"You're such a jerk!" I muffled into his chest as he held me tight against him.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.
"That can't have been half an hour." Coach checked his watch.
"Nope, guess it cooked quicker than they thought."
I wasn't so sure, something seemed off. I felt a tightening in my stomach as he sprang to his feet. He walked to the door in just his tight boxers, he didn't even bother covering his amazing ass by pulling on some jeans.
"Coach, put something on!" He looked at me and rolled his eyes. He grabbed a nearby T-shirt and pulled it on, it must have been mine as it didn't go passed his belly button. He laughed and shrugged as he pulled open the door.

"Oh..its you!"

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