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Several heartbroken weeks later.

"What do you mean you can't authorize the divorce!" I practically shrieked at the judge.

No no no no no. No! This can't be happening.

My head swam and my grip on the chair tightened. This situation was going downhill fast. Not that it had been going anywhere else. My husband, Richard, had just confessed that he had been cheating on me not so long ago. Now that l wanted a divorce and a chance to move on with life, l found I'm denied that privilege.

I turned to look at Richard and my heart broke a little more. That's all it seemed to be doing these days. He was sitting there looking handsome in an expensive Armani suit, calmly processing the information slowly and expertly like the lawyer he was. The lawyer he became after l paid for his tuition and fees.

The anger that always seemed to be bubbling beneath the surface broke free and l made a choking sound.

Was my purpose in his life to be an ATM? Just a ladder for him to achieve his goals?

He looked at me and when he saw the anger trapped in my eyes, he sighed. Bored. No doubt thinking about going to our home and fucking his silicone tits, cum stained barbie. On what used to be our bed.

Something broke inside of me again and l knew l was moments away from weeping hysterically if l kept thinking about this. I turned away from him and eyed the judge venomously.

She shrank under the intensity of my glare and turned to Richard. "These days we can't authorize the divorce unless both parties will be left satisfied. There's no way around it," she said in a professional tone.

No doubt having seen situations like these before. How mortifying.

"Why?" I bit out.

She turned to me and spoke in a patronizing tone. "Mrs. Mills if you had read the document my assistant gave you instead of glaring at your husband you would know why. However l shall state the basic terms to you," l clamped my mouth shut to stop from cussing. "The state carried out a study and came to the conclusion that most adult suicides occur because of messy relationships and divorce. That is besides poverty, addiction and other stressful matters. Therefore we can only grant a divorce in cases like yours if both parties will be left satisfied. So unless you resolve your issues or you can prove to the court that both of you have truly moved on, no divorce can be authorized."

I sighed inwardly and felt the tears welling again. Suddenly an idea popped into my mind and l babbled"What if the divorce was filed on terms of assault? Or separation? Or..or...or...or...or...or incompatibility?!"

I felt proud of my ideas. At least my mind was recovering faster than my heart. Which was sore and ached on a daily basis. Divorce does that to you. Especially when you had thought you had found Mr. Right.

The judge whose name l hadn't even bothered to remember looked at me in a patronizing manner. Well, matronizing since she was a woman. "Mrs. Mills should you attack your husband in anyway be it physical, verbal or sexual the only thing you will get is a restriction order and jail time. If you wish to file the divorce on terms of abandonment and separation it will take at least twenty four months for the court to approve your decision. If you file on the terms of incompatibility it will take at the least six months of couples therapy and activities you will have to carry out together for the divorce to be even considered."

My hopes plummeted into a dark abyss and my brain shut down. Two fucking years to be spent abandoned. Unloved. Broken. Six months spent in Richards company to get a divorce.

I couldn't do that. One of us would die in that time. Most likely me. There was no way l could spend time with Richard and not commit suicide. I loved him too much.

"Is there any other way?" I whispered in a small defeated voice.

The judge looked at me with pity and silently shook her head. I was a goner. Might as well just end my life today because this was too much. The constant ache, the pain, the emptiness. The regret and conviction its all my fault. Which it no doubt was. Useless, just as my father told me.

I imagined sleeping next to what was once our bedroom and hearing them groan and moan all night long. Eating breakfast and watching Richard kiss Susan, his new 'wife' and tell her how much fun they had last night and how he was looking forward to the same tonight. I blanched in my seat and looked down. Defeated and weary.

Why?! Why me? What have l done to deserve this?

As if it was a foreigner, a thought crossed the borders of my mind from the universe.

Please let it work!

I crossed my fingers and looked at the judge and asked "How can we prove that we have moved on in the eyes of the court?."

The woman looked me up and down as if meeting someone new. She addressed Richard even though l was the one who asked, "If Mrs. Mills can prove that she is in a sustaining relationship with anyone of any gender, then the court will approve your decision to get divorced and the divorce will be granted. Provided her partner appears in court in three days."

Relief washed over me and l said the words that would cause me much more pain later "Fine. Send me the dates when we are supposed to meet and I'll notify my boyfriend and check if the dates are suitable with him."

The judge raised her eyebrows and the look of surprise on her face was priceless. I turned to Richard and when l saw the shock on his face l smiled triumphantly.

For the first time in weeks l felt something other than sadness, anger, self disgust and weariness. A feeling stole over me and l happily rode it.

Exasperated Richard inquired " have a boyfriend?"

I smiled and stood up, feeling powerful. "His name is Cody Cummings, look him up."

I left the room feeling powerful and untouchable. Probably how Daenarys from Game Of Thrones felt like when riding her dragons.

Only when l was outside did l finally ask myself the only kink in my plan.

Where am l going to get a boyfriend?

If you are reading this it means l have already published chapter 3. Pliz check it out. Here are my rules so that we can coexist peacefully:




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