A Lullaby

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A/n: mature ;)  atleast at the end...

Things were peaceful at the house.

Our home was becoming warmer despite the end of summer nearing, as Jin's health was improving quickly, turning his and Namjoon's bedroom into forbidden territory once again.

Even the relationship between Yoongi and Hoseok seemed to have bettered, as I was barely visited by Yoongi anymore with complaints about the cook.

A week had gone by since Jimin left without a trace. And though most at the house were doing fine, there was one person who was still silently struggling.

Every moment of the day I had to tell Taehyung I still believed Jimin would return. He'd quietly come up to me to ask if I was still sure, and he'd hug me randomly no matter what I was doing, just because he needed to feel my touch. He was like a child that needed comfort, and though part of me found it incredibly endearing, I also found it troubling at times.

Jimin was the only person Taehyung had ever loved. The first person who'd shown him even a shred of kindness after his father was brutally murdered, and he was taken in by one of the most ruthless organisations in the world.

Taken in... I scrunched my nose, shaking my head as I turned the page of a book about Stockholm Syndrome I was reading in the library.

Kidnapped was a better term I thought, crossing my legs on Jimin's leather couch. But I knew for a fact that Taehyung wouldn never call it that.

The door to the library swung open, and I was quick to hide my book, grabbing a newspaper from the coffeetable instead and fixing my eyes on the front page.

Feet without shoes slapped against the wooden floor and neared me, already letting me know who had come to pay me a visit.

"Good day to you," Taehyung whispered sultrily into my ear when he hugged me from behind.

I chuckled, setting away the newspaper when Taehyung began attacking my neck with little kisses.

"Good day to you as well," I said, closing my eyes when Taehyung's hands easily slipped underneath my shirt.

"Done for today?" I asked as I enjoyed the attention.

"Yes mister butler," the man growled into my ear, something about his way of calling me by my title making my cock twitch in my trousers.

I made the man join me on the couch, pulling him in by the hem of his shirt to let him have what he was silently asking for.

The man hovered over my body, palming me through the thin fabric of my summer trousers and connecting our lips as he massaged my bulge.

I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the extra dependence Taehyung seemed to have on me now. I would be lying if I said I didn't love how the man needed me like a child needs a lullaby.
I had to help him forget the worries surrounding Jimin. And though of course part of me needed that too, I couldn't help wish we'd be able to help each other as lovers instead of whatever the groundskeeper saw us as now.

I had asked Taehyung to make love to me many times. Countless times by now. But the groundskeeper would keep responding in the same way.

Jimin had always forbidden Taehyung to make things special for them. To feel something other than lust when they had sex.

Even for their first time, when Taehyung had tried his best to make it as romantic as possible, Jimin had gone on all fours and forced his friend to call him degrading things for no good reason.

Taehyung had never learned how to make love. He'd learned he wasn't allowed to feel it, no matter how badly he wanted to.

The groundskeeper caged me against the couch, hungrily attacking my lips like he'd been told to do for years, but I broke off our kiss, placing my hands against his chest and slightly pushing him back.

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬 | VMINKOOK✔Where stories live. Discover now