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I took a deep breath, letting my eyes climb up to the very top of the impressive mansion, gulping at how the building dwarfed me no matter how much I puffed my chest. I knew trying to seem experienced wouldn't fool anyone. I was a young and naive kid. That's what people told me. The death of my parents would teach me the harsh rules of life and how to survive in this cold and bitter world. How I hoped this would be true. But for now, all my loss had really done, was send my clock into overdrive, time racing and speeding for me and me alone.

I stood before the giant wooden door after knocking three times, but I had no time to wait. My clock wouldn't allow it.

I took a few steps back, wondering if the house would frighten me less if I chose a different perspective, but all remained the same.

I gripped tighter to my leather suitcase as nerves got the better of me. I held it close to my chest while my feet carried me to the side of the mansion.

It looked like there was simply no one to receive me, but this wasn't odd.

I was to be the new butler. Receiving guests was the job I was hired to do.

With no true experience, wisdom nor training, I, a nineteen year old boy, was to be the butler of one of the richest men in America. Or- men? It was true Park Jimin was a male, but he had barely turned twenty-one, and used to be accustomed to showing up in the papers for reckless acts that would land anyone without his riches in great trouble. One could say that he in fact, was just a boy as well.

But this was all long before the young millionaire had fallen off the face of the earth ofcourse, and his name mysteriously vanished from all the headlines.

During the last year Park Jimin seemed to have taken a hiatus from his lavish lifestyle, not being seen by anyone for quite some time.

There were outrageous claims he'd been abducted or murdered, but those all stopped once his father released an official statement about his son's whereabouts.

He'd been right here all this time. Tucked away in this large mansion he had all to himself, for some reason, nearly cut off from society.

I wondered what kind of person my master was going to be.

Would his clock tick slower than most people? Or faster like mine? Or would it be perfect? Would it tick at a steady ryhtm that easily carried him through life?

I found myself wandering closer to the side of the house when I got drawn in by a magnificent garden I had somehow failed to notice before.

Bees zoomed past my ears and butterflies fluttered through the air, though they stayed close to their precious flowers as if they were afraid to fly too far off.

"Got a favourite one?" A pleasant voice asked, a low timbre starteling me out of my daydream.

I perked up, meeting the piercing black eyes of a stranger, who looked at me with the same amount of suprise I surely carried.

The man had darkbrown hair that looked soft like feathers. The locks reached just below his jawline, and they were tied back into a loose ponytail with a few strands escaping. His skin was slightly tanned as if he worked outside all day, and beads of sweat rolled down his neck to disappear underneath a loose white shirt.

He looked tired, but at the same time more vibrant than the garden itself. His clothes were stained with green and brown, but what truly made me take a double look was the fact that the man was barefoot, his feet disappearing in the green grass.

"I-I'm sorry," I stuttered like a nervous fool. "I don't have much time to admire flowers. I've been told it's better to look up instead of down."

The stranger didn't respond with a confused frown the way I had expected him to. Instead he seemed to listen carefully to what I told him before he spoke.

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬 | VMINKOOK✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora