A Little Different

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"He a foreigner like you?" The man called Yoongi asked, adressing Taehyung instead of me as if I wouldn't be able to answer him. "Or is he just all looks and no brain?"

Taehyung scratched the back of his head and let go of my hand, which made me feel a little colder for some reason. I hadn't held anyone's hand in a while. I'd forgotten what it felt like.

He looked to me, those deep, mysterious eyes reaching my soul without me allowing them to do so.

"He spoke normally a moment ago," he said, giving me a small smile.


I wanted to speak but my throat didn't feel the same about it. It was hard sometimes. People's clocks always ticked so much differently than mine. I didn't know why speaking to Taehyung in private had gone better compared to now. Our clocks were complete opposites.

I nodded to Taehyung's question and made myself a bit smaller, pressing my suitcase against me as if I were afraid someone would snatch it away.

"Oh handsome, don't be nervous for us," the man called Jin said, smiling sweetly.

"We're all human," Namjoon added. "You don't have to be afraid."

My muscles tensed less. The man with the dimples had a thrustworthy thing about him. I wasn't sure if it was his smile or his attitude, but he made me feel more comfortable. And the man with the face of a celebrity had the same effect on me. He looked like a sympathetic person. I wanted to be his friend. But I knew that if I wanted that, I had to try again, so I straightened up a little, clearing my throat before speaking.

"My name is Jeon Jungkook," I said,  looking at Taehyung from the corner of my eyes, for some reason drawing confidence from having him beside me.

The other men shared glances as if they'd expected me to say more, but saying my name already felt like more than an accomplishment.

"Alright, welcome to the circus Jeon Jungkook," Yoongi said, leaning back on his chair as he lit himself a sigarette.

I flinched when Namjoon flicked one of the cards in his structure away with ease, making it collapse and scatter across the table and floor.

My lips parted, feeling a sting even though I wasn't even the one who'd built the structure.

"I think it's time for me to show you around," he said, his lips edged up as if the destruction of his house of cards didn't phase him at all.

The man stood up and I couldn't help but smile at him, his whole prescence giving me the feeling that he was a wise person.

"But... you promised," Jin suddenly said, looking sad like an innocent child in a way I had never seen a grown man do.

Namjoon looked at Jin with an affectionate expression. I wondered if the men were brothers since they seemed connected somehow. It was quite heartwarming. Their clocks ticked together. It was clear to see. They ticked clear and loud, not afraid of whoever their sound would disturb. I didn't see that often. I couldn't help but admire it.

"Darling, I have duties you know?" Namjoon chuckled. "I know I promised and we will, just wait a moment and-"

"Do you want to sleep on the ground tonight?" Jin asked, a more serious expression taking over his face.

Namjoon froze, lost for words until Taehyung jumped to the rescue.

"It's fine Namjoon, you never do your job anyway. Why start now," he said. "I'll take Jungkook to his room. And Jimin should fire you all."

Jin rose from his seat right away and latched onto Namjoon's arm.

"He'll only fire us if a certain flowerboy tells him so," the man sang with a cheeky smirk as he dragged the footman with him, who sent me an apologetic look as he waved goodbye.

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