
Taehyung curled his lips at me, and I realised I was looking at him as if someone was going to die. "Jimin and I... have sex in d-different ways velike oči."

I only frowned, which made the groundskeeper chuckle, but his voice wouldn't produce the sound as Jimin didn't think it reasonable to stop jerking him off.

"If you were to give yourself to me zeka... I wouldn't be the one l-lying down."

My eyes blew wide and shifted from Taehyung to Jimin and back to Taehyung.

"B-but... but I can't- but... I- I don't-"

"Tesoro breathe," Jimin laughed, still skillfully stroking the groundskeeper as if it had become automatic behaviour.

Taehyung was truly trying his best not to moan as he spoke, but I found it oddly adorable each time he failed. "If you don't want to do that... we would never push you," he assured me. "I already had a feeling... y-you'd be more comfortable with Jimin... so truly... I am not disappointed velike oči."

I frowned as I thought of what Taehyung was saying, my mind immediatly creating images, showing me how I would look being in Jimin's place, lying down while Taehyung would...

I zoned out, remembering how amazing Jimin seemed to be feeling when I made love to him, when he couldn't stop moaning as his ass clenched down on my length and he came so hard he was dazed for a good moment after.

I bit my lips, the memories taking my arousal to a higher level right away.


Both Jimin and Taehyung looked at me with rather nervous expressions and snapped me out of my daydream.

I timidly looked down at the floor with a bashful smile on my lips, wondering if I could speak the words on my mind. If I was brave enough to utter the sentence.

"I... I want to try it," I said after a while, gulping harshly at how the stares of the two other men burned into me.

I peeked through my lashes and saw Jimin and Taehyung share a stupified glance.

The millionaire even stopped his hand movements, and again I wondered if I had ruined everything by speaking.

"Tesoro... you don't have to feel obligated... if you do not feel ready there is no need-"

"B-but I want to..." I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "That way... I can give both of you my virginity... r-right?"

Taehyung's lips parted. "Velike oči..." He said, his rich voice dropping an octave as he crawled towards me.

"Are you absolutely sure about this?"

Taehyung buried his face in the crook of my neck to give me little butterfly kisses of appreciation.

I bit my lips, nodding though the beats of my heart sped up as if I were about to jump off a tall cliff.

"I... I think I'm sure..."


I lay with my back against the pillows as every part of my body was being kissed by both Jimin and Taehyung, the men making me giggle with tickling touches that made my excitement grow.

"Do you remember what I did before we had sex tesoro?" Jimin asked, playing with my nipple as he combed his other hand through my hair.

I nodded, swallowing thickly as my nerves stacked up higher.

"Taehyungie is going to do that for you now okay?"

Taehyung seemed just as nervous as I was, taking a deep breath before slowly bringing my legs apart, stroking my inner thighs to comfort me as he did.

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