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Elvis returns home and see Elisabeth in his drawing room waiting for him. Elvis sits beside her and asks "Any emergency you didn't told me you were coming."

Elisabeth smirks and says "Why? I can't talk to you without any reason."

Elvis says "Get to the point"

Elisabeth says "Ok tomorrow is Candace birthday and you have to come."

Elvis replies "Elisabeth I don't really want to go in a party right now."

Elisabeth says "How can you be so mean? You know that she is new in town and she doesn't have friends except you and me. You want her to celebrate her birthday alone."

Elvis says "Ok ok enough of this emotional blackmail. I am in."

Elisabeth hugs Elvis tight and says "I knew you wouldn't reject and yeah you can bring your friend. What was his name?"

Elvis "Gordon"

Elisabeth says "Yeah him too"

Elvis "Ok, I will bring him with me too."

Elisabeth "Ok tomorrow night 7 pm Zero miles."

They talk for about 30 minutes and then she goes a way. That night Elvis  couldn't get his sleep. Thousands of thoughts in his head. Next morning everything was normal. Elvis was waiting for another call but he didn't get one. Till 7 pm Elvis got dressed up and dragged Gordon with him too Zero miles. Gordon didn't wanted to go but Elvis convinced him anyhow. Elvis gives lift to Elisabeth and Gordon in his Jeep. At first Gordon was little grumpy but as soon as he meets Candace his mood brighten up a little. Elvis could see that for the first time Gordon could connect with someone easily. They chit-chat, drink and dance for an hour.

After one hour they exit from there. Elvis and Gordon were walking towards there car while Elisabeth and Candace were gossiping and following their lead. Suddenly a car stops in front of them. Elvis notices its the same black Scorpio and the same guy who was stalking him. The man pulls out his pistol and tries to shoot them. They duck and try to move here and there to dodge the bullets. As soon as the man shoots he droves away from there. Elvis and Gordon were unharmed. Elvis looks towards Gordon and says "Thank god his aim was bad."
Suddenly Elisabeth screams "Candace"

They look towards her when they see Candace was shot on stomach. Gordon runs towards her and holds Candace tight. While Elvis standing where he was looking expressionlessly at them. Gordon shouts Elvis name but he couldn't process anything going on. Elisabeth shakes Elvis and screams. It took him some seconds but as soon as he came in his senses he drove to the hospital as soon as possible. As soon as they reached to the hospital doctors took her to the emergency room. Elisabeth and Gordon were scared for Candace while Elvis was expressionless like a statue. Candace parents come and Elisabeth tells them that some lunatic tried to shoot them. Suddenly we see Daniel appears with some officers. Daniel walks towards Elvis and asks "Elvis David. Can you explain me what happened there."

Elvis didn't reply to him. Gordon says "Some lunatic was high. He just tried to shoot us and ran."

Daniel looks toward Gordon and says "Did I asked you?"

Suddenly Francis appears and says
"Sir, I think you should not talk to him right now"

Daniel says "Listen Francis you-"
Francis cuts his talk and says "I am not saying this as a officer but as a uncle. You even got the description of what happened so there's no point asking Elvis the same thing.

Daniel gives daggers to Francis then smirks and says "Ok" and leaves.

Francis sits near Elvis and says "Its not your fault son."
Tears pour out of Elvis eyes. Elvis says "Everytime, every fuckin time people get hurt just because of me."

Elisabeth says "Are you insane? Why are you talking like this."

Elvis screams "I am saying the truth dammit! Every person who is close to me gets hurt just because of me. First my parents then Anna now Candace. Who's next You, Francis, Gordon who?"

Candace dad taps Elvis shoulder and says "We don't have any other option except being positive. We can't change what happened so lets hope for the best."

Suddenly doctor comes out of the emergency ward. Candace parents, Gorden and Elisabeth runs towards the doctor and asks "Is she okay?"

The doctor replies "She is out of danger but still unconscious because of excess loss of blood. She will be better till tomorrow"

Finally Elvis was relieved. Candace dad, Elvis, Elisabeth and Gordon stays over night. After all this mess at least Elvis could get sleep on Elisabeth shoulder. Elvis wakes up in a bright room and see Anna sitting beside him. She cares his face and asks "What happened?"

Elvis replies "I am tired Anna"

Anna asks "Tired of what?"

Elvis answers "Tired of seeing people getting hurt and dieing  just because of me. What did you do to deserve dead? What did Candace do?"

Anna says "Ssshhh! None of this was your fault and nothing gonna change by regretting the past. Stop regretting  and analyse whatever happened till now and you'll be able to predict whats going to happen. Now wake up."

Elvis wakes up and sees the sunshine hitting his face from the window. Elvis notices Elisabeth sitting on his right sleeping. It was 7 in the morning. He gets up and leaves. Outside the hospital he phones Francis and asks him to set up about 20 hidden cameras. 5 inside the guest house and 15 outside the guest house on the roads and lanes. Francis asks "Why? Why are you doing this?"

Elvis replies "Whoever attacked us last night. He could've shoot me easily. He never wanted to kill me. The bastard is playing mind games."

Francis asks "So who do you think it is?"

Elvis replies "I am not sure who it is but I'm sure they will attack me again and I will not go down this time"

Elvis David: Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now