My brow rose in frustration as I raised my hand up to massage the tension between them. Elijah giggled from his spot before he lifted a finger and poked her cheek, causing Katerina to catch his finger and playfully bite it. My gaze instantly softened as a small smile made its way onto my face and the previous tension I felt instantly disappeared. 

"Silly mommy! It's Friday, we need to go to grandpa and grandma's home!" Elijah reminded her and I took notice of how all of the color seemed to drain from her face. Her frightened wide eyes instantly snapped up to meet my steady gaze as she tried to come up with another excuse. 

"But...but I'm not... I feel a bit sic--" Katerina began but froze mid-sentence as I stood up and leaned over her. Our lips were merely an inch away and I had to use every bit of self-control to stop myself from taking her lips hostage. 

"No buts, tesoro. Nonno has arrived and is waiting to meet you and I already packed your bags. Let's go," I felt my resolve shatter when her big round eyes watered slightly before she quickly masked her emotions and gave me one of her signature fake smiles while nodding her head. 

I really didn't want to force her back there, I wanted to give her enough time and bring her back when she was ready. But my grandfather, who retired in Canada, flew down and will be staying at our childhood mansion for one month before we all fly together to Italy for my step-cousin's wedding. 

I've never even met my step-cousin and I could care less about her wedding. I don't want my pregnant wife to have to fly all the way to Italy. But my step-cousin is getting married to one of my best friends and business partner, Saverio D'Amore. He actually inherited the Italy mafia from my uncle a few years back when my brothers refused to move to Italy and take over. 

As the leader of the Italian mafia in America, I must attend the wedding with my whole family, something that Nonno is very strict about. He's an old-school type of Italian man who will never let go of family traditions. I have no idea how he will react to my wife and whether or not he will welcome her into our family. 

Well, he has no other choice because Katerina is my one and only for now, for tomorrow and for eternity. 


The short drive to our childhood mansion felt like it lasted hours but in reality it was only a few minutes. My eyes remained on Katerina through the rearview mirror since she had insisted on sitting in the back with Elijah instead of beside me in the front seat. I unclenched my tightened jaw as we quietly made our way into the living room with Katerina carrying Elijah while whispering to each other. 

I remember a month ago when she would whisper into my ear intimately and allow me to do the same to her. Fuck, I miss her beautiful flushed cheeks whenever I touched her or stood beside her. Nowadays, she tries to keep at least a few feet in between us at all times...

"Finalmente, guarda che sono arrivati!" Mother exclaimed from her seat beside father in the living room with Nonno sitting alone on the opposite sofa and Alanzo sat with Adriano across from him. (Finally, look they have arrived!)

Nonno looked the same as ever, his dark hair that was similar to mine held grey streaks and our mafia's tattoo was on full display across the side of his neck as he kept the first few buttons of his royal blue dress shirt open. He didn't look a day over sixty and yet he's already seventy-five years old. 

"Buongiorno a tutti, I'm sorry we made you wait," Katerina quickly apologized before making her way towards everyone with me silently trailing behind her, observing the surroundings to make sure everything is safe. The moment we found out Katerina's pregnant, I made everyone baby proof both of our homes and made sure there were no sharp edges on any furniture.  (Good morning everyone)

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