Closing the door behind me and locking it, I let out a tired sigh and hopped into the shower.

The warm water running through body soothed me like never before, all the tension that was in my body finally disappeared.

I didn't know what was going on. Azusa, Iori, and Subaru... What made them like me? My personality isn't all that great.

I basically have a bad school record, I've beaten up multiple people, I almost killed my teacher, and my behavior isn't all that great either.

So, what was it in me that they fell in love with?

Sighing, I turned the shower off and dried my body with a towel, hopping off, I wore the clothes I brought and dried my hair with a towel.

Leaving the bathroom, I start heading to my room, wanting to sleep already.

Turning to a corner, I was met with someone standing in front of my bedroom door. I sighed out knowing it was that stuck up idol.

He turns around and sees me, he had this clear scowl on his face. I head to my room and walked passed him.

When I was about to open my door, my wrist was grabbed and my back was now touching the wall.

Fuuto pinned me on a wall and he stared at me intently, the scowl he had on, grew when he saw the bite marks and hickeys on my neck.

"Why'd you let him touch you? Leaving marks on your body like that...It pisses me off." He said with that same scowl on his face.

I was irritated hearing him talk to me like I belonged to him.

"What's it to you? It's none of your business what my lover does to me." I seethed out to him, making sure he hears the word 'Lover' out of my mouth.

I see him glare at me, but I could see hurt in his eyes making me surprised.

"You were suppose to be mine! I loved you first and he made you his!" He exclaimed at me, the look on my face already held enough surprise and shock when he exclaimed those words to me.

This stuck up brat, confessed to me? Exactly how? We don't even see each other much, and if we did, I'd only be dissing him as he looks at me with a scowl.

So, how in the world did he fall for me like the rest of his brothers?

"I don't feel the same, so let me pass." I said pushing him out of the way, but I was only pinned back to the wall.

"I won't let you go that easily." He tells me with a scowl.

"Even if you belong to him, I'll make you mine easily." He says with a glare plus a scowl.

He leans in towards me and I was quick enough to slap him across the face, he backs up from me and I look down on him.

"Don't you ever dare pull that shit with me, I already had enough on my plate this week and being confessed to your brothers shouldn't be one of them." I said walking pass him as I opened my bedroom door.

Before entering, I look behind me one more time.

"I'm not apologizing for that slap, nor will I apologize for rejecting your feelings to me. Goodnight, Fuuto." I said entering my bedroom and closing the door and locking it.

With a sigh, I crouched down on my floor as I leaned onto my door. 

The emotions in me were just swirling like crazy, it made me so confused and conflicted.

I stood up from the floor and made my way to my bed, plopping down onto it with a sigh. I felt Oli coming up to my cheek and snuggled into it.

I softly smiled and closed my eyes, wanting this day to be over.

Hold up......What? (Karma Akabane x Reader x Brothers Conflict)Where stories live. Discover now