Part 23

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After Thorn's introduction all the other boys started to introduce them selves so much that I felt I need to come up with a chart or some kind of list to remember which one was which. They were as follows:

• Nixon, an albino boy who had soft feminine features. They matched his personality that seems sweet and caring. He was in my English class as well and was also looking forward to reading 'Misery' he was also the only boy of his family and had five older sister.

• Wyatt, he was 6ft the same height as Nixon he had a slightly crooked nose apparently from a stray baseball. A thin pair of lips that were always smiling he was a skin head and had a tan complexion. he also had a younger cousin who was a cheerleader.

• Ryan, he was the shortest of all the boys being 5'8 he had dirty blond hair in a crew cut and fiat complexion he was also the only other boy who was here on a sport scholarship.

• Adrian, he was 6'1 loved his iPhone he was the one who shouted to Em and took a photo of us. He had know Em since then were 6. He had light brown hair and an olive complexion with hazel eyes with long eyelashes and full lips. His looks were rivalled with Issac's.

"So why are you with Em y/n I'm sure I could give you a much more pleasurable time" Adrian told me winking at me. Em growled lowly at Adrian and pulled me closer to him.

"God Adriano you always have to be a flirt I'm sure Y/n is to classy to be one of your groupies and we all know you only like girls who are easy" Nixon said before biting into his apple.

"That's not true I like a challenge." Adrian said grinning at me. I rolled my eyes at him

"Trust me when I say this Adrian I'm a challenge that you will definitely not be able to handle. Anyway talking of girlfriends are all of you single?" I asked the boys every single one of them nodded. How? They were all extremely good looking each of them had looked that could rival any idol group.

"I mean Ad has girlfriends well more like one night stands you know girls who he can 'have fun with' his words not mine" Thorn said giving Adrian a withering look "he even got with Luna once" Thorn added. What! The Luna the girl who went psycho and attacked me I looked towards Adrian he was rubbing the back off his neck as a pale pink blush decorated his cheeks.

"Yeah well how was I supposed to now she was fucked up in the head. Anyway it's not like I'm proud of it." He said taking a swig if his water.

"No but every other conquest you can't wait to brag about it. I'm sorry y/n I thought these guys. Well Adrian would behave himself looks like I was wrong." Em told me resting his head on my shoulder I saw Thorn nudge Nixon and gave me a wink. I thought back to Adrian comment about me being arms girlfriend. We were friends I wasn't his girlfriend you have to be dating to be a girlfriend or a boyfriend. Though my mother never let that stop her. No y/n it's fine you and Em or just good friends.
"Any way can one of you cover me at practice today for some time?" Em asked his friends.

"Sure but why?" Ryan asked with his mouth full of a cheese sandwich I looked away slightly disgusted.

"Dude seriously sometimes I wonder if you were raised in a barn no one wants to see the contents of your mouth." Wyatt told his elbow him in the stomach. Em looked at me in worry I just shrugged my shoulders I didn't mind him telling them about his theory that I might die.

"Y/n recently was cut from the student council and-"

"Let me guess your scared she might die because those twins are creepy because they remind you from the twins from the shining and your going with her for moral support." Wyatt finished for him. Em glared slightly at him.

"Wait that's why you think I might die because the twins are possessed?" I asked Em he let out a sigh and placed his hands on my shoulders

"No that's not why do you know what happened to the last person who left the student councils?" Em asked in a serious tone.

"They transferred school that what miss Black told me." I said slightly scared Em's tone that never been this serious before

"That's what they say but they got no conformation and the girl never said she was going to leave y/n she disappeared." Em said the brown eyes boring into my e/c ones.

"O-ok" I started

"And then a body turned up a couple towns over her corpse was completely managed no teeth no way to identify her" Em said still staring at me.

"Yeah exactly no way of identify her she the corpse is not Anya's it's probably some hooker" Ryan said throwing a ball of paper at Em. Em gave him the finger.

"Y/n ignore Em that twins are fine also Anya didn't have any friends she was probably transferred out of state or to a non private school that thought they didn't need to confirm. Em is just paranoid the shining really messed him up" thorn explain. Maybe or maybe Luna wasn't as crazy as she seemed

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