Part 13

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I scanned the school entrance there seemed to be a lot more people here then yesterday. People where staring at us well there were staring at the twins then seeing that I was with them they started to size me up. I saw a tall wide stances muscular guy stated to walk towards us he was around 5'8 had brown hair cut in a crew cut with sharp blue eyes. He was wearing the school uniform par the blazer instead he was wearing a royal blue varsity Jacket.

"Hi my names Shu whats your" Shu said sticking out his hand to me I let go of ivory's hand to shake his

"Y/n" I said looked at him noticing the way Issac was glaring at him.

"What do you want Shu?" Issac growled are him. Shu ignored him as was facing me he glanced up and down my body. I felt his slimy gaze focus mainly on my chest and legs I tried to resist shivering thankfully I managed to resist it.

"Well y/n it's absolutely pleasure to meet you" Shu said smirking. I took a small step back. A high pitched overly girly voice screamed from the other side of the school grounds.

"BABE!" A blond, tanned girl with her kind hair tied up in a high pony tail and what I assumed the cheerleader uniform and legs that went on for ever screamed toward our group.

"Oh shit" Shu said. I saw Ivory face grown into and evil smirk.

"Well Shu aren't you going to introduce our Angel to Charity, your girl friend." She said as she grabbed my hand again. Shu didn't say anything

"Babe" said the blond cheerleader who I assumed was Charity.
"Oh she looked surprised. Hi Presidents she said as she blushed profusely. I understood why. I mean I'm pretty sure my first thought when I saw twins was holy shit they were beautiful I still don't think I'm over it.
"Who's this babe?" Charity asked Shu eyeing me up and down clearly judging me. I raised my left eyebrow at her.

"This is-" Shu started but I didn't let him finish I could talk for myself.

"I'm y/n the newest member of the student council. A thought a cheerleader someone who's supposed to be full of school spirit would know this." I said raising my left eyebrow even higher giving Charity a dismissive look. Then I started to pull the twins to towards the school and they soon fell into step with me.

"So you've agreed to be our Vice President then." Issac said leading the way to the student council room straight away. I mentally sighed I didn't mean to agree I still wanted to join the music club.

"Of course she agreed she loves us Issac" Ivory said pressing her breast into my arm.  I didn't answer still lost in thought.

"Angel..., Y/n?" I heard as deep silvers eyes filled my vision. I jumped back slightly.

"Huh, what sorry I got lost in my thoughts."  Issac shared a subtle look at Ivory. They turned back to we and said at the same time.

"Nothing". It was slightly freaking like the twins from the shining it didn't help that the sun came out from the clouds and that point and caused there eyes to shine.

"Right. Well about the Vice President thing. I do want to do it but I would also like to join the music club is there any way I cou-" I started to say

"No, I'm sorry angel but the Vice President is full time and I need you here with me" Issac said not letting me finish my question. Was he serious hey had two student counsel presidents did they need a Vice President surely not especially considering they haven't had one for a long time. I opened the student council room and stormed in I was not going to back down with out a fight music was very importantly me.

"So what that's it then just no?" I asked Issac with my hand on my hip. I saw Issac smirk slightly

"Yes that right it's a no you don't need to join the music club there's a piano here you have your violin and if you truly desire we will purchase you the finest hand crafted flute." Issac told me as Ivory locked the door quietly. I glared at him for a couple of seconds then turned to the other twin.

"Ivory can't your talk some sense into your insane brother and tell him to let me join the music club." I complained to her. Ivory bit her lips drawing my eyes to her soft looking lips remember how they had barely touched mine before Luna interrupted us. I shook my head and brought my eyes back up her eyes.

" I'm sorry babe but I agree with Issac if you join them you won't be able to give the role of student council Vice President your full attention and by a stretch us we are important to you right?" Ivory said into my ear coming closer to me god she had such a soft sultry voice I could listen to it forever I closed my eyes as I felt my body warm up.

"You love is do you not angel?" The was Issac's rough sexy voice his breath ticked my other ear I felt my resolve weaken by hearing there heavenly voices. My body started to heat up more. I felt both twins breath onto my neck I felt a bolt of electricity travel down my body. I felt soft lips touch my neck as two pairs of arms wrap around my waist with I needed as I felt my legs fail as my core burst with desire I was in fire the twins lips and tonge against my neck was heaven they had given me a feeling I had never felt before. It was like a spell millions of notes were filling my head they were enchanting me I clenched my thighs together and the heat got more intense as that was when they pulled there heads away but still kept there arms around me. I let out a shuddering breath and opened my eyes. I opened my mouth the say something thought what I didn't know that was when the bell rang.

"Well babe lets go to class" Ivory said sweetly.

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