Part 9

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After the nice meal we had the twins lead me upstairs even though I tried to mention that I should be getting home as my house keeper would be worried. But Issac response to this was reminding me that I had texted her saying I was at a friends house and not to worry. However it was getting late it was 10:00 already and the streets were already dark. When we reached the landing on the second floor we stopped Issac and Ivory seemed to having a silent discussion with there eyes. It was either that or a telepathic conversation. I just stood there, confused. Issacs grip on my left hand tighten and pulled bit more while Ivory's hand did the same.

"I don't want to sound rude but could you guys not pull on me like at all." I asked trying to make my voice sound strong, and authoritative. Though I think I failed. Ivory and Issac reluctantly let go off me.
"Thank you" I said absentmindedly rubbing my wrists.

"Angle who's room would you like to see first mine or Ivory's" Issac asked me stepping towards me. I frowned a little bit to be honest I wanted to go home however Issac and Ivory were my friend my only friends. I couldn't choose if I chose Ivory, Issac would.l be upset just like Ivory would be if I choose Issac. I pulled my hand through my h/c locks.

"I...I can't choose." I told them. There was a heavy silence. Then I felt a soft delicate hand struck my cheek.

"It's ok princess." Ivory said strolling my cheek as Issac came to my other side giving my small kisses all over my hand my face started to heat up.
"Do you like cats?" Ivory asked me leaning close to my ear her breath tickling my face. I scrunched my face up in confusion why are they talking about cats.

"Yeah I like cats I like animals" I told her. She gave me a big bright smile.
"Perfect" she said pulling to the right hand room. She opened the door this room was beautiful it was swatched in shades of blue from midnight blue to winter frost blue. It had pale wooden floor with a large white shag pile rug In the middle her queen sized four poster bed had white sheer curtains and a pastel blue duvet with a navy throw on. On the others side of the room she had a white wooden desk and blue comfy looking desk chair. On the desk chair lay a sleeping black cat. It was so cute. I smiled at the sleeping feline.

"He's called Jett, like the colour" Issac told me coming behind and resting his chin on the top of my head. I didn't mind him doing this it felt nice being there.

"It's a beautiful name." I said softly still looking at the cat. Jett slowly started to open his eyes and my breath caught in my throat his eyes were breath taking. Jett's right eye was a bright blue unusual for a cat and his left was a deep dark green.  I don't know why but I felt comforted by this cat like one day soon it would be my life line.

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