She opened her eyes again, her eyes slowly drifting over to the empty spot on the bookshelf.

She had spotted it that morning, and frowned at why it bothered her so much.

She pushed her blanket away, turning on the lamp near her bed.

She walked up to the bookshelf, running a hand on the books.

Suddenly something in her brain clicked; diary, she thought. That's what's missing.

"Huh," she murmured. "Where would his diary be? It's not like I read it that often."

Someone must've took it. A part of her thought.

"Who and why would anyone want to take his diary though?" She questioned herself.

Maybe valuable information.

"Pffftt," she ridiculed herself. "What valuable information could be stored in a diary?"

Theo shrugged, yawning.

"I should sleep."

● . ◌ ◯ ◌ . ‬●

"He is banned from sleeping, make sure he doesn't sleep." Watcher A said to Sam. "We need to make sure he is sleep deprived so he can't think clearly."

Sam nodded, it made sense.

"Also," Watcher R said. "Make sure to get rid of every ounce of hope he has left within him."

Sam grinned. "I'm already working on that."

Watcher A shook their head. "You need to be quicker, you need to strike from his core."

Sam frowned. "I thought almost killing him for 3 weeks was good enough."

Watcher A shifted their weight from their right leg to their left leg. "Think about it, Sultan." They were getting impatient. "He should've stopped trying to escape by now because he knows what happens when he does. So why's he still trying? What's his main priority? What or who is he doing it for?"

A smile crept on Sam's face, getting wider and wider. "For his so-called friends."

Watcher A nodded approvingly.

"So I go and kill his friends-" Sam was cut off.

"No, you idiot," Watcher R rubbed his temples with one hand, getting frustrated. "You just gotta make sure Xelqua thinks they no longer exist."

"Ohhh," Sam said, finally understanding, and spun on his heel, grinning like mad. This is gonna be fun, he thought as he walked out.

● . ◌ ◯ ◌ . ‬●

Grian was lying down curled up in a ball on the obsidian floor, when he heard the jangling of keys. He immediately jolted upright, dread once again filling his insides. But the door didn't slam open like it usually did, and was instead hesitantly opened, causing Grian to get curious.

A head popped around the door, and Grian's eyes widened. He jumped to his feet, tears running down his cheeks.

"Mumbo!" He exclaimed, excited to see his moustached friend after so long.

Mumbo smiled the biggest smile Grian had ever seen, and quickly closed the distance between them, embracing Grian in a tight but comforting hug.

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