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"You haven't said a word to us yet, I mean since we gave you your seat. It's your seat now, you can have it. Everyone one else wants it, no one else has it. Except for you. You need it. You need it more than you need anything else now that you're with us.

"Let me explain, you have been accepted into the minors group. You're not a major, you're a minor so don't get thinking you're all special because you're not, no one whose a minor is special to the majors until you become one. I'm not gonna be here long, actually I'm leaving today, and Armoni is going to lead you guys now, until she recruits someone else. Any questions?"

So that's why she was so eager to pick me. She just wanted to upgrade.

It took me a while to realize that she was asking me something. I was so confused with the concept of this group. Nonetheless, I had reached a simple and meaningful question.

"Who sat in my seat?"

Miranda looked at me, and just shrugged, "I'll ask the majors, they know everything about that kind of stuff."
"But aren't you the leader?"
"Was. Not anymore, and it's not like I took attendance or something. Anyways I'm gonna get going. Any other questions just ask your new leader."
And with that, she walked away. Something about what she said didn't click right, if majors didn't care about minors, why would they know 'all about that kinda stuff?'

Lunch was long gone, and I had to go to my science class. When I entered, I saw a girl waving for me to come to her, she looked familiar, like she was from the minor table. I sat in the spot next to her, and when I did she introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Armoni, your the new girl right?"

"Yeah, I am. Hey by any chance did you know who sat in my seat before I did?" I went right to the question. It probably wasn't a big difference on whether I knew it or not, but I had to at least try.
I stared at her, waiting for an answer, but she looked back at me with a blank expression. Finally, she just shrugged.
"Some girl named Leah, but she left the group a while back, no biggie, but it's better now, that you're here and not her. She kinda went M.I.A after some big investigation."

Investigation...something about that seemed familiar to me. The name Leah, seems familiar to me.

"What was the investigation?"
When I had no response, I considered asking again, but the bell rang, and class had started.

Well that was weird, I had thought as I reached my seat. Either way, I was in.

Officially in.

Pretty Girlsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن