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 December 31st, 2013  11:57

Times square is beautiful, it truly is. All the lights sparkling and the tall buildings towering over the tourists and residents while everyone stood together waiting for the big ball to drop. Too bad I wasn't there.

We could have went but my mom and dad went out of the state to visit our uncle and his family for New Years quality time. They attempted to get me and Penelope to go, but we decided to pass. Their quality time consisted of charades and board games. Don't get them wrong, my parents are from this century, but not my uncle and aunt. Trust me.

So we stayed home alone, our parents trusting us to not do bad things. They were right, we aren't the party type. So we waited for the ball to drop, then we'd binge on snacks and movies. 
"Ugh I'm so sick of this," Nela complained
"You don't like watching the ball drop? I thought it was on your bucket list."

"Not the stupid ball, this!" She waved her Phone in the air before locking it and throwing it on the other couch. 
"Although this is lame too. I'd rather see it in person," she added.

"What could possibly be wrong now? " I asked,  regretting I did and preparing for her boring lecture again,  or as I like to call it,  "Why I Shouldn't Ask About Her Life Vol. 10000000".

Instead, she actually told me.
"He's mad at me. And it's not even my freaking fault. He asked me on a date, apparently they are playing The Iliad at the theatre and he could have gotten us free front row seats,  but I told him no. Now he's mad. "

My sister could be a hard-head sometimes.

"Are you kidding me?!! Don't you love The Iliad? You know almost all the lines, and you've never seen it live. And from what I'm hearing he's totally into you, I mean I know you're dating and all but -"

"But you're missing the POINT Savannah! "Penelope interrupted, half yelling at me, which made me sad. I hated it when she got mad.

She continued,  "Ugh. He knows I don't do public, it's just gross. You and him of everyone...
...should know how I am with my business. I keep a low profile. I'm not going to apologize for being me. He's gonna have to get over it. "

"I'm guessing he will. He's like head over heels in love with you and you're just like: ehh, you cute."

Probably should not have said that. I could see she was angry. She jumped up and snatched her phone before saying a series of words in some language (she speaks a lot of languages) and zooming to her room.

"...1 Happy New Years!!!! "The people in the tv shouted and screamed and jumped. 

"Happy New Year. To me."


Whoever this guy was,  he's everywhere. And he's nowhere.
Apparently, Jessica's boyfriend is coming back, and everyone is getting excited about it. I guess he disappeared last year, but he's back now. I haven't even heard this guy's name and he's all over the school, even the staff is talking about him. Armoni told me that he was the hottest guy in school (which says a lot considering he's a sophmore ) and he's the most athletic guy ever. He's in every sport and is the best player, from lacrosse to volleyball and every sport in between.

So I guess he has these eyes that put you in a spell or something and on top of that, if this guy wasn't perfect enough, God threw in his perfect personality. According to literally everyone, he's the nicest person in school, he hangs with everyone and never disses anyone.  Which brings me to the question of the year:  How the heck did he end up with Jessica? 

He hadn't come yet,  so Jessica and the majors spent the entire day preparing for his return -scratch that. Jessica had the minors do all her dirty work for her. It's not easy attempting to to hang up pointless posters that say cheesy things like "Return of a Legend "or "The King is Back! " Seriously, it's like this guy was a celebrity to these people.

On the bright side, I skipped first through fourth period hanging up these stupid posters and I didn't get in trouble not once. Whoever this guy was, he got on my good side REAL QUICK.

"Savannah!!!! Savannah!" I'm surprisingly getting used to people calling my name. Sometimes it used to be Rhea, many few times Tria, which would be awkward considering our history together. Many of the times it was Chaz, so I wasn't surprised when he came running to me, panting and out of breath.

"Another long run I presume?" I teased.

"Huh? Oh no, that's nothing compared to what I always do. I could show you, if you wanted." Not sure if he was bragging or flirting, but I declined anyways.

"Nahh, I'm good. What did you need anyways?"

He looked kinda hurt, yet again, but went on. "You excited for this week?"

"I feel like I have to be. I've been running around school hanging posters of this 'King' guy all day. I should be the most excited person in this school."

Chaz chuckled, "Yeah well, that's Jessica for you. I talked to him this morning, finally, and he said he's coming tomorrow. I told him about you, he can't wait to meet you." 

"Wait, you told him about me?  "

He blushed," Just stick with me tomorrow morning Blanchard. My ride's here. I'm out." He hugged me and walked away.

"Bye Red Cheeks."

Chaz could be an idiot, but he sure made me laugh. We were in the courtyard- Chaz and his friends, along with the majors and minors. School was soon to start so everyone went back inside to their classes while we all stayed here. I was tired, cold, and my feet were hurting. I really had to pee.
" Be right back guys, restroom is calling."

"Seriously? You couldn't have went before?"
"That's because I didn't have to go before, smart one!"
I flipped my hair all dramatically and marched to the restroom.

Five minutes later ( I was checking my hair and outfit, I mean come on, I'm a girl you know) I was out of the restroom with my EOS in my hand. As clumsy as I am, it slipped from my hands and rolled away.

I knew I looked stupid, but I didn't care. I chased that dumb ball around for like thirty seconds. Finally, I stopped it, bent over and picked it up. A pair of pants and shoes appeared in front of me.
Who's this?
Slowly, I stood up to my feet and looked up at the face for the pants.
"Savannah, right? They said you would be around here. Sorry if I scared you, but I don't think we've properly met."
He held out his hand.

"Nice to meet you.
Name's Jax."

A(n) so Jax is back! Well in terms of school. I have been waiting forever to bring him in because he's the next main character. I liked the name Jax so I decided to go with it



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