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"What? What did you see?" Jax questioned as he knit his eyebrows (whatever that means) in confusion, when we got to the basement. They weren't kidding when they said we could go anywhere. I took a deep breath.

Then I explained it.

"It's Bree. Her and Mr. Evans...I think they're having an affair or something."

The look on his face? Priceless.
But I was too grossed out to really make a joke of it.

"Stop lying. You're lying, right?"

"Jax why on Earth would I lie about something as serious as practically rape! Ewww it's gross on so many levels!"

"But... he has a girlfriend. He said their relationship was complicated but, they were working it out. I thought it meant..."

"Yeah blah blah blah you thought wrong. I'll tell you one thing though, he wasn't wrong when he said he worked it out."

Jax backed up.

"What? Savannah you aren't making any sense." Jax tried to snap me out of it. Funny thing was there was nothing to snap out of. This was the truth, the ugly truth that I saw with my own two eyes. It was weird and gross and I tried not to throw up but, it was the truth.

I had to tell someone, I couldn't keep this in. She clings on to Chaz, because of me. I couldn't tell him. He's too naive at times. But Jax, I've gotta tell him. He's the only one...

"Jax! I'm not crazy. I saw what I saw. It's true. They didn't see me though, but I saw them. It was...it was her.

"And it broke all rules, it was illegal.
But my Oh my, does knowing this make me feel good.

"Because I've got something. Finally! It's seems small, but it's big, huge.

"It's my leverage on her Jax. This is my revenge on her."

And indeed it was. There was no doubt this was gonna help me bring them down.
"Savannah, how would you do that?"
I thought about it.
How could I?

"Got it! I could blackmail her, threaten to expose her the the "flawless" human being she wasn't. She'd get kicked out, she'd be turned against them, all for disgracing their so called precious name.

"Or, she could tell me all I needed to know. Or confess and report all of them to the police or something, and we'd be there to back her up. She would still go to jail, but either way she's screwed right? Because if they killed Rhea they'll kill her right? Right?

Jax gasped and jolted in his standing position.

"U-hhh-mm it's not safe," he said after a series of stuttering.
"That could go wrong in a serious amount of ways."

"Yeah but so could having a relationship with your teacher in his classroom and never locking the doors! Its like they wanted us to see them!"

"Savannah, it's not safe for you. I don't think you should do it. Not until you're 100% sure you can. And then some."

"Well," I said after a while. "That sucks the fun out of things. So what I do for now, let them be?"

"Yeah, until we have a fool-proof plan."

"Try making a fool-proof plan for people who aren't exactly fools."


"For your next class project, you will choose a novel to read and do a book report on. The novel must be a top selling book, and make sure to choose an intellectual one, one that makes you think."

"So like 'Fifty Shades of Grey'?"
Ryan smirked, earning laughter from everyone in the classroom, even Chaz.


Not Mrs. Blackberry though, she was very upset by the looks of it.

"If the class is done laughing may I please continue explaining your 400 point letter grade project?"

Well that shut us up.

"And as for you, Mr. Buchanan," she continued on. "I will assign you Fifty Shades of Grey as you please. Such a wonderful idea as that should not be for this class only. Your parents will sign the book report, signifying that they worked on it with you."

Ryan scoffed. "Sure."

"And since you have no problem with that, I hope you don't mind if I enlarge your project and put it in the Study Hall, for all the high school students, staff and teachers to see."

This is why Ryan started turning red.

"And these projects are really important, as a matter of fact I am required to take at least 5 out of all my students projects to the superintendent and his staff members. They will judge my teachings, to see whether I am an up to date one, or if I need improvement. So if you want to pass this semester, I suggest you make it fully detailed, even include pictures if you can. Of course not inappropriate ones."

The whole class 'ooohhhed'. Hey, even I did. Ryan was finished.

He tried apologizing, but Mrs. Blackberry stuck to her decision. So that was his book.

"You doing anything this Friday?" Chaz asked me, as the bell rang. I couldn't tell him about the therapist meeting, and I didn't want to lie to him. He is my boyfriend after all.

"Yeah I have a tutoring session this Friday, sorry."

"What? Savvy you're the smartest person I know!"

"Please don't call me that, I don't really like it." I cringed. He looked hurt again, I didn't mean to hurt him, but I couldn't bear to have anyone else call me that. Not after her.

"Chaz, it's not you. It's just... it's hard for me, in ways you don't get. I'm sorry, I'm just going through some stuff."

He smiled weakly.
"Hey," he put his thumb on my chin and gently tilted my head.
"I know it's hard, I heard about your thing today. If there's anything you need to tell me, I'm always right here."

"On my chin?" I tried for a joke, earning his chuckle.

"Something like that, yeah. I really like you Savannah. I just want you to be okay."

Then stop being so naive. You could help me take them down, I wanted to say. Though as much as it hurt, I couldn't.

"Thanks, I really like you too Chaz."

Then I was off to Drama. To see Jax. And when I saw him, only one question popped into my mind.

Is it Chaz, or is it him?

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